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Swedish Attic slab solutions

Swedish Attic slab solutions

Compressed packs allow you to get more m2 per pack and more packs per delivery. Less storage space is required in the workplace, and fewer deliveries and less waste from packaging and pallets to take care of. The use of glass wool helps reduce installation time and as we all know - time is money. When the attic floor is well insulated the heat loss of the house is reduced by up to 20%. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBatt 035 to the lower layer, EcoBlanket 035 to the middle layer and the top layer of our paper-lined Byggmatta.
Spécifications techniques
  • Réference unique.eb35_ebla_35
  • Famille de produitsInsulation solutions
  • Groupe de produitsAttic slab
  • TypeObjet (objet simple)
  • Date de publication2016-02-03
  • Numéro d'édition1
En rapport
  • Matériel principalLaine de verre
  • Matériel secondaireLaine de verre
  • Conçu enSuède
  • Fabriqué enSuède
  • BIMobject CatégorieMatériaux de construction - Isolation
  • Classification IFCDalle
  • Nom UNSPSCInsulation
  • Code UNSPSC3014