Gemstone Plus® is a prefaced concrete masonry unit manufactured with resin, resin and inert filler, or cement and inert filler to produce a glossy exposedto-view-in-place surface that complies with ASTM C 744 - Standard Specification for Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units.
The more prevalent “ground/polished/burnished” face units in today’s marketplace do not have a resinous face and therefore do NOT comply with ASTM C744. Given this, Gemstone Plus® units are unique among architectural CMU’s. In addition, YBP’s Gemstone Plus® units comply with ASTM C 90 – Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units. Whether structural or veneer, exterior or interior, Gemstone Plus® units deliver a unique terazzo-like appearance with the typical low-maintenance aspect of concrete masonry units.
Gemstone Plus® units resist crazing, cracking and spalling, and are resistant to many chemicals and graffiti. The resinous surface is highly impact resistant, and is resistant to surface burning and staining. Special admixtures for mortars are available for use with Gemstone Plus® units to provide better stain, bacteria, and water penetration resistance for the wall assembly.
Gemstone Plus® units are available in a wide variety of vibrant colors. Units are commonly used in lobbies, hallways, and office spaces where the stain-resistant and smooth surface reduces maintenance, and the terrazzo-like beauty is more readily appreciated.
Gemstone Plus® units from York Building Products have been tested by an independent laboratory for compliance with ASTM C 744, including the following tests:
Adhesion: To determine the adhesion of the finished facing to the block substrate.
Abrasion: To measure the abrasion resistance of the finished facing.
Color Change: A test by accelerated weathering apparatus to measure change.
Cracking / Crazing: To ensure that the units are free from cracking and/or crazing.
For further information, please refer to the latest version of ASTM C744, contact your YBP representative, or contact YBP’s Customer Care at or 800.673.2408.