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Continuous Truss - Continuous Truss Frames Offers Construction Cost Savings Through Optimal Material use and Reduction of Required Building Heights.

Continuous Truss - Continuous Truss Frames Offers Construction Cost Savings Through Optimal Material use and Reduction of Required Building Heights.

2.5 out of 5 stars2.5(6 reviews)
Varco Pruden Buildings, Inc.: Framing Systems

Rigid Frame

The VP Rigid Frame is the ideal system when economical, column-free interior space is desired. Clear spans up to 300' or more are available, along with On-Center and Off-Center Ridges and Single-Slope designs. All these economical clear-span structures permit unsurpassed flexibility in use of interior space.

Continuous Beam

Where interior support columns are acceptable, as in vast production or storage areas, VP's Continuous Beam:

Provides the greatest space at the lowest cost per square foot
Allows total flexibility in locating interior columns
Enables any width or eave height
Accommodates interior column spaces of 100' or more

Truss Beam

If your building plans call for unobstructed, column-free interior space, VP's open web Truss Beam frame offers long, clear spans, along with the advantages of open web rafters.

Open web design holds down construction costs through optimal material use and reduction of required building heights.
Ductwork, wiring, sprinkler systems, and lighting can be incorporated through the trusses.
Frames can be designed with tapered or straight columns with a pitched or straight bottom rafter.
Roof pitch can be as low as 1/4:12.

Continuous Truss

The open web design of VP's Continuous Truss frames offers construction cost savings through optimal material use and reduction of required building heights.

HVAC ducts, wiring, sprinkler systems, and lighting can be incorporated “into” the trusses to maximize clearance beneath the rafter.
Open web design increases interior visibility through enhanced lighting dispersal.
Continuous Truss frames can also be used with other framing systems, including block, tilt-up, ordinary steel framing, or wood.


VP's Unibeam system is the best framing choice when you want straight sidewalls and ceiling lines in small clear-span buildings up to 70'.


Deck•Frame is the first metal building support solution specifically designed for membrane roof applications. It combines the efficiency, speed, and economy of steel systems construction with the esthetic performance of a membrane roof system.

WideBay Trussed Purlin

This framing system offers a new construction solution for bays up to 60' wide and depths of 18"-40".

Covers 70% of traditional bar joist applications
Weighs 16% less per foot than traditional bar joists
Can accommodate roof snow loads up to 40 pounds per square foot at a 5'-0" spacing for a 60'-0" span. Adjusting the span and/or spacing can accommodate higher loads.
Bridging is 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1/8" Angle.
Webs are 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" Bent Square Tubes.
Chords are Special Roll Formed Sections in 7 sizes.

Hybrid Construction

Hybrid projects are defined by their need for a tall structure, long span capabilities, and specific heavy design load requirements. Each Hybrid Construction project is evaluated on an individual basis to determine the most economical and efficient solution.
Tekniset tiedot
  • Yksilöity viitenst31290-04
  • TuoteperheConstruction
  • TuoteryhmäStructural Frames
  • TyyppiObjekti (yksittäinen objekti)
  • Julkaisupäivä2017-01-16
  • Painoksen numero1
  • Suunniteltu:Yhdysvallat
  • Valmistettu:Yhdysvallat
  • BIMobject-luokkaRakentaminen - Kehykset ja ristikkorakenteet

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