Julkaise tuotteesi
PureForm LED wall sconce comfort PWS

PureForm LED wall sconce comfort PWS

Gardco PureForm wall sconce LED with comfort optics offers a sleek, low profile design that will complement a range of architectural styles. Comfort optics reduce glare to increase visual comfort. PureForm wall sconce provides up to 10,700 lumens to accommodate multiple mounting heights up to 20', and is available with Type 2, 3, 4, optical distributions. A full range of control options are available for additional energy savings. Optional emergency battery backup option available for path-of-egress, and is integral to the luminaire.
Tekniset tiedot
  • Yksilöity viitePureForm_LED_wall_sconce_comfort_PWS
  • TuoteperheGardco
  • TuoteryhmäOutdoor luminaires - Facade lighting
  • TyyppiObjekti (yksittäinen objekti)
  • Julkaisupäivä2022-09-12
  • Painoksen numero1
  • BIMobject-luokkaValaistus - Ulko
  • IFC-luokitusValaisin

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