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Raychem XL-Trace LSZH Heating Cable for Pipe Frost Protection (Europe)
Raychem XL-Trace LSZH Heating Cable for Pipe Frost Protection (Europe)

    Raychem XL-Trace LSZH Heating Cable for Pipe Frost Protection (Europe)

    Prevent damage caused by frozen and burst pipes 

    In cold locations, thermal insulation alone cannot keep water pipes from freezing. Freezing temperatures cause pipes to burst. A pipe freeze protection system can prevent fluids like general water piping and fire sprinkler piping from freezing in the pipes. 
    Raychem XL-Trace electric heat-trace cables keep non-flowing water from freezing in pipes, pumps and associated equipment by replacing the heat lost through the thermal insulation. 
    Our heat-tracing technology provides heat where it is needed - without worry of overheating. Our comprehensive range of electrical heat-trace cables are versatile as well, with the flexibility to be used in commercial, residential, industrial and even hazardous environments. 

    Download Raychem Trace-It Addin for Autodesk Revit at https://apps.autodesk.com

    Tekniset tiedot
    • Yksilöity viiteraychem-xltrace-eu
    • TuoteperheRaychem Europe
    • TuoteryhmäHeat Tracing - Pipe Freeze Protection; Flow Maintenance
    • TyyppiObjekti (yksittäinen objekti)
    • Julkaisupäivä2019-01-09
    • Painoksen numero1
    • Ensisijainen materiaaliMuu
    • Suunniteltu:Yhdysvallat
    • Valmistettu:Yhdysvallat
    • BIMobject-luokkaSähköosat - Electric cables
    • ETIM-koodiEC000339
    • ETIM-nimiHeating cable
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 -koodi22 05 33
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 -nimikeHeat Tracing for Plumbing Piping
    • OmniClass-numero23-33 15 15 17
    • OmniClass-nimikeCable Heat Trace

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