Julkaise tuotteesi
StandUp DESK screen
StandUp DESK screen
StandUp DESK screen
StandUp DESK screen
StandUp DESK screen
StandUp DESK screen
StandUp DESK screen

    StandUp DESK screen

    The StandUp DESK SCREEN is a flexible, foldable screen that is easy to move and fold with an eyelet for hanging. SCREEN is available in two different sizes and fits all our StandUp desks and other surfaces. A soundproofing and a separating desktop screen to create peace or privacy in the office or study environment. SCREEN is available in two different sizes and fits all our StandUp tables and other surfaces.

    The desk screen has a core made of stable, recyclable channel plastic. The exterior is covered with OEKO-tex certified Hush from Gabriel, a mottled fabric with a tufted look. The interior is covered with the OEKO-tex certified Alcala from Lechfabrics. A suede-like fabric that gives the inside life and softness.

    • The eyelet allows you to hang the screen when not in use.
    • The 80-cm desk screen size fits our 96-cm or larger desktops and the 58-cm desk screen size fits our 70-cm desktops.
    • Store and hang it with our HOOK table hook, HOOK wall hook, HANGER floor stand or STORAGE storage furniture.

    We also produce screens based on customer-specific requests. Feel free to ask us if you have special requests for fabrics, materials, etc.

    Tekniset tiedot
    • Material: Textiles Hush/Alcala, recyclable corrugated plastic core

      Width: 580 mm / 800 mm

      Height: 550 mm

      Depth: 550 mm

      Colours: Grey/green, Grey/blue and Grey/grey

    Tekniset tiedot
    • Yksilöity viitestandup-desk-screen
    • TuoteperheStandUp
    • TuoteryhmäDesk
    • TyyppiKokoonpano (useita objekteja)
    • Julkaisupäivä2024-04-23
    • Painoksen numero1
    • Korkeus (mm)550
    • Leveys (mm)580
    • Syvyys (mm)550
    • Ensisijainen materiaaliPolyesteri
    • Toissijainen materiaaliMuovi
    • Suunniteltu:Ruotsi
    • Valmistettu:Latvia
    • BIMobject-luokkaKalusteet - Kaluste
    • Uniclass 2015 -koodiPr_40_30_20_03
    • Uniclass 2015 -kuvausAcoustic screens

    Alueellinen saatavuus
