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Cleanliness entrance matting - Exklusiv - Grey

Cleanliness entrance matting - Exklusiv - Grey

Washable carpet Custom carpet:

The EXKLUSIV carpet has properties that allow very strong absorption of humidity and elimination of dirt. It is suitable for normal to extremely heavy traffic.

    Tekniset tiedot
    • Exklusiv cleanliness mat

      Carpet base: PVC Total weight ISO 8543: ± 3650 g/m2

      Carpet base: PU Total weight ISO 8543: ± 2925 g/m2

      Coating: 100% Polyamide

      Available colors: Anthracite | Grey | Brown | Red 

      Flammability: This carpet has Cfl-s1 flame retardant properties according to EN 13501 

      Water absorption: This mat is tested according to the TNO W6034 standard for its water absorption capacity and can therefore absorb 5.6 L of water per square meter 

      Charge: EN 985 certification for this mat means it is capable of withstanding the considerable loads of wheeled trolleys 

      Flexibility | Electrical charge | Dimensional stability: The mat is permanently antistatic according to ISO 6356 and retains its original mass very well because it has proven itself according to ISO 2551 (<0.4%) 

      Accessibility: Strollers, wheelchairs, trolleys on wheels 

      Stability: <0,4% 

      Resistance to bad weather | Value wear: This carpet retains its color even under the influence of a lot of light and strong abrasion stress - such as friction in combination with water and salt water, as tested according to ISO 105. Additionally , this carpet has durability values of 32 according to EN 1963 and is therefore suitable for busy commercial buildings 

      Non-slip | Driving comfort: This mat has anti-slip properties according to EN13893. With the value of 33 according to EN 1307, this mat offers high comfort 

      Cleaning: Suction, if possible with a vacuum cleaner - brusher for more efficiency and for intense cleaning use an extractor injector

    Tekniset tiedot
    • Yksilöity viitetapis-proprete-exklusiv-grey
    • TuoteperheEntrance matting
    • Tuoteryhmäcleanliness matting
    • TyyppiObjekti (yksittäinen objekti)
    • Julkaisupäivä2024-10-16
    • Painoksen numero1
    • Ensisijainen materiaaliPolyamidi
    • Toissijainen materiaaliPVC
    • Suunniteltu:Saksa
    • Valmistettu:Saksa
    • BIMobject-luokkaLattiat - Entrance
    • Uniclass 2015 -koodiAc_10_40_13
    • Uniclass 2015 -kuvausCarpet laying
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 -koodi09 68 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 -nimikeCarpeting
    • OmniClass-numero23-15 17 17
    • OmniClass-nimikeCarpet Flooring