The best acoustic high traffic product in the market
• Highest acoustic sound reduction of 19 dB
• Best residual indentation for a 19 dB acoustic product
• High performance characteristics on all relevant aspects
The Sarlon Material collection presents a range of modern designs based on popular flooring materials like cement, concrete and stones. See for example the urban concrete items with their interesting balance between a concrete and a smooth, soft stone, the new nairobi colours with strong textile association and the allover on-trend travertine stone designs.
Alueellinen saatavuus
Eurooppa | Aasia |
Alankomaat | Arabiemiirikunnat |
Andorra | Bahrain |
Belgia | Jordania |
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina | Oman |
Bulgaria | Turkki |
Espanja | |
Irlanti | |
Islanti | |
Italia | |
Itävalta | |
Kreikka | |
Kroatia | |
Kypros | |
Latvia | |
Liechtenstein | |
Liettua | |
Luxemburg | |
Malta | |
Mansaari | |
Moldova | |
Montenegro | |
Norja | |
Portugali | |
Puola | |
Ranska | |
Romania | |
Ruotsi | |
Saksa | |
San Marino | |
Serbia | |
Slovakia | |
Slovenia | |
Suomi | |
Sveitsi | |
Tanska | |
Tsekin tasavalta | |
Ukraina | |
Unkari | |
Valko-Venäjä | |
Vatikaanivaltio | |
Venäjä | |
Viro | |
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta |