The best fully loose laid sheet acoustic solution
• Quick installation, no downtime, immediate use possible
• Long term benefit of very quick replacement and removal, saving money over time
• Offering all benefits of the best performing acoustic in one product
Modul’up Wood combines the natural, authentic look of a wooden floor with the advantages of the highest quality vinyl floor covering. The range consists of a nice variety of relevant wood designs and colours. See for example the smaller planks with subtle knots and colour variations of the narrow oak designs, the endless design of infinity oak and the playful twist of the industrial parquet items.
Alueellinen saatavuus
Eurooppa | Aasia |
Alankomaat | Arabiemiirikunnat |
Andorra | Bahrain |
Belgia | Jordania |
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina | Oman |
Bulgaria | Turkki |
Espanja | |
Irlanti | |
Islanti | |
Italia | |
Itävalta | |
Kreikka | |
Kroatia | |
Kypros | |
Latvia | |
Liechtenstein | |
Liettua | |
Luxemburg | |
Malta | |
Mansaari | |
Moldova | |
Montenegro | |
Norja | |
Portugali | |
Puola | |
Ranska | |
Romania | |
Ruotsi | |
Saksa | |
San Marino | |
Serbia | |
Slovakia | |
Slovenia | |
Suomi | |
Sveitsi | |
Tanska | |
Tsekin tasavalta | |
Ukraina | |
Unkari | |
Valko-Venäjä | |
Vatikaanivaltio | |
Venäjä | |
Viro | |
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta |