The Silenzio is a wall-mounted grille that lends itself perfectly to renovation. Not only has the appearance been given a complete makeover, but from now on the Silenzio also has a ZR damper so that it can be used effortlessly in one of our ventilation systems. This sound-absorbing ventilation grid was specifically developed for situations involving heavy noise pollution. The retro version is specifically suited for monumental buildings with a protected facade. This grille can be integrated invisibly into the façade (by means of an open butt joint) or can be fitted with a discrete outer grille (Duco outer grille or outer section of your choice).
Alueellinen saatavuus
Eurooppa |
Ahvenanmaa |
Alankomaat |
Albania |
Andorra |
Belgia |
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina |
Bulgaria |
Espanja |
Färsaaret |
Gibraltar |
Guernsey |
Huippuvuoret |
Irlanti |
Islanti |
Italia |
Itävalta |
Jersey |
Kreikka |
Kroatia |
Kypros |
Latvia |
Liechtenstein |
Liettua |
Luxemburg |
Malta |
Mansaari |
Moldova |
Monaco |
Montenegro |
Norja |
Pohjois-Makedonia |
Portugali |
Puola |
Ranska |
Romania |
Ruotsi |
Saksa |
San Marino |
Serbia |
Slovakia |
Slovenia |
Suomi |
Sveitsi |
Tanska |
Tsekin tasavalta |
Ukraina |
Unkari |
Valko-Venäjä |
Vatikaanivaltio |
Venäjä |
Viro |
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta |