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GRAPHO MINI Wall mounted

Grapho mini is the solution for accent lighting of facades, designed to draw urban night scenes with light. Grapho mini respects the aesthetics of illuminated architecture with a silent, almost invisible presence: a rectangle with simple and clean lines, without visible screws, and a depth of just 5 cm. Grapho mini can reveal a place by emphasising the distinctive architectural elements of a building, or it can transform a landscape with highlights or luminous patterns on the vertical surfaces of a city. One or two emissions, on opposite sides of the rectangle, and four different light beam openings: blade, spot, wide-beam and ultra-wide beam. The product melts into the background and takes on the same finish as the surface on which it is installed. A special treatment has been applied to the exterior surfaces to make them suitable for painting without affecting their corrosion resistance. Grapho mini has an ultra dry system: the outer cover is independent from the sealing system and acts directly on the body to avoid the risk of infiltration when installed on uneven surfaces.
Tekniset tiedot
  • Grapho mini is the solution for accent lighting of facades, designed to draw urban night scenes with light. Grapho mini respects the aesthetics of illuminated architecture with a silent, almost invisible presence: a rectangle with simple and clean lines, without visible screws, and a depth of just 5 cm. Grapho mini can reveal a place by emphasising the distinctive architectural elements of a building, or it can transform a landscape with highlights or luminous patterns on the vertical surfaces of a city. One or two emissions, on opposite sides of the rectangle, and four different light beam openings: blade, spot, wide-beam and ultra-wide beam. The product melts into the background and takes on the same finish as the surface on which it is installed. A special treatment has been applied to the exterior surfaces to make them suitable for painting without affecting their corrosion resistance. Grapho mini has an ultra dry system: the outer cover is independent from the sealing system and acts directly on the body to avoid the risk of infiltration when installed on uneven surfaces.
Tekniset tiedot
  • Yksilöity viiteGrapho-mini
  • TuoteperheWall mounted
  • TuoteryhmäGrapho Mini
  • TyyppiObjekti (yksittäinen objekti)
  • Julkaisupäivä2023-11-23
  • Painoksen numero1
  • Korkeus (mm)121
  • Leveys (mm)221
  • Syvyys (mm)54
  • Ensisijainen materiaaliAlumiini
  • Toissijainen materiaaliAlumiini
  • Suunniteltu:Italia
  • Valmistettu:Italia
  • Nettopaino (kg)1
  • BIMobject-luokkaValaistus - Seinään kiinnitettävät
  • IFC-luokitusValaisin
  • ETIM-koodiEC001959
  • ETIM-nimiLED-lamp/Multi-LED
  • Uniclass 2015 -koodiPr_70_70_48_46
  • Uniclass 2015 -kuvausLight-emitting diode (LED) luminaires
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 -koodi26 56 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 -nimikeExterior Lighting
  • OmniClass-numero23-35 47 11
  • OmniClass-nimikeLighting Fixtures