humiSonic for air handling units makes adiabatic humidification available to smaller ducting systems, offering a high energy efficiency alternative to steam humidification.
Energy consumption per kg of evaporated water is in fact 90% lower than with steam!
Installed directly in the air flow, humiSonic can atomise water into very small droplets (5 µm on average), which are instantly absorbed.
The new generation humiSonic embodies all the attention that CAREL has always paid to the hygiene of its humidification solutions. All components in contact with the water are made from stainless steel, and no water is left to stagnate in the main body at the end of the humidification cycle. In addition, the electronic controller manages periodical washing cycles when the system is not running.
These hygiene features, together with the very high precision that humiSonic can achieve (±1% around the relative humidity set point), make it an ideal solution even for more critical and delicate applications, such as cleanrooms.
humiSonic for air handling units comprises two elements that make it a powerful and complete solution: the main body (containing the piezoelectric transducers) and the electrical power supply and control panel.
humiSonic for ducts enjoys all the benefits of ultrasound technology, plus additional new improvements developed by CAREL:
Alueellinen saatavuus
Eurooppa | Aasia | Pohjois-Amerikka | Afrikka | Etelä-Amerikka | Oseania |
Ahvenanmaa | Afganistan | Anguilla | Algeria | Argentiina | Amerikan Samoa |
Alankomaat | Arabiemiirikunnat | Antigua ja Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Australia |
Albania | Armenia | Aruba | Benin | Brasilia | Cooksaaret |
Andorra | Azerbaidžan | Bahamasaaret | Botswana | Chile | Fidzi |
Belgia | Bahrain | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Ecuador | Guam |
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina | Bangladesh | Belize | Burundi | Falklandinsaaret (Malvinassaaret) | Kiribati |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Bermuda | Djibouti | Guyana | Marshallsaaret |
Espanja | Brittiläinen Intian valtameren alue | Brittiläiset Neitsytsaaret | Egypti | Kolumbia | Mikronesian liittovaltio |
Färsaaret | Brunei | Caribbean Netherlands | Eritrea | Paraguay | Nauru |
Gibraltar | Etelä-Korea | Caymansaaret | Etelä-Afrikka | Peru | Niue |
Guernsey | Filippiinit | Costa Rica | Etelä-Sudan | Ranskan Guayana | Norfolkinsaari |
Huippuvuoret | Georgia | Curaçao | Etiopia | Surinam | Palau |
Irlanti | Hong Kong | Dominica | Gabon | Uruguay | Papua-Uusi-Guinea |
Islanti | Indonesia | Dominikaaninen tasavalta | Gambia | Venezuela | Pitcairnsaaret |
Italia | Intia | El Salvador | Ghana | Pohjois-Mariaanit | |
Itävalta | Irak | Grenada | Guinea | Ranskan Polynesia | |
Jersey | Iran | Grönlanti | Guinea-Bissau | Salomonsaaret | |
Kreikka | Israel | Guadeloupe | Kamerun | Samoa | |
Kroatia | Japani | Guatemala | Kap Verde | Timor-Leste | |
Kypros | Jemen | Haiti | Kenia | Tokelau | |
Latvia | Jordania | Honduras | Keski-Afrikan tasavalta | Tonga | |
Liechtenstein | Joulusaari | Jamaika | Komorit | Tuvalu | |
Liettua | Kambodža | Kuuba | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Luxemburg | Kazakstan | Martinique | Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta | Uusi-Kaledonia | |
Malta | Kiina | Meksiko | Länsi-Sahara | Uusi-Seelanti | |
Mansaari | Kirgisia | Montserrat | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Moldova | Kookossaaret | Nicaragua | Liberia | Wallis ja Futuna | |
Monaco | Kuwait | Panama | Libya | ||
Montenegro | Laos | Puerto Rico | Madagaskar | ||
Norja | Libanon | Saint Kitts ja Nevis | Malawi | ||
Pohjois-Makedonia | Macao | Saint Lucia | Mali | ||
Portugali | Malediivit | Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit | Marokko | ||
Puola | Malesia | Saint-Barthélemy | Mauritania | ||
Ranska | Mongolia | Saint-Martin | Mauritius | ||
Romania | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon | Mayotte | ||
Ruotsi | Nepal | Sint Maarten | Mosambik | ||
Saksa | Oman | Trinidad ja Tobago | Namibia | ||
San Marino | Pakistan | Turks- ja Caicossaaret | Niger | ||
Serbia | Palestiinalaisalueet | Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret | Nigeria | ||
Slovakia | Pohjois-Korea | Norsunluurannikko | |||
Slovenia | Qatar | Päiväntasaajan Guinea | |||
Suomi | Saudi-Arabia | Reunion | |||
Sveitsi | Singapore | Ruanda | |||
Tanska | Sri Lanka | Saint Helena | |||
Tsekin tasavalta | Syyria | Sambia | |||
Ukraina | Tadžikistan | São Tomé ja Príncipe | |||
Unkari | Taiwan | Senegal | |||
Valko-Venäjä | Thaimaa | Seychellit | |||
Vatikaanivaltio | Turkki | Sierra Leone | |||
Venäjä | Turkmenistan | Somalia | |||
Viro | Uzbekistan | Sudan | |||
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta | Vietnam | Swasimaa | |||
Tansania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tsad | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zimbabwe |