Julkaise tuotteesi
Caparol Capatect CARBON B (Baltics)
Caparol Capatect CARBON B (Baltics)
Caparol Capatect CARBON B (Baltics)
Caparol Capatect CARBON B (Baltics)
Caparol Capatect CARBON B (Baltics)

    Caparol Capatect CARBON B (Baltics)

    Premium quality insulation system that meets the highest requirements for durability and visual design. Thanks to the organic components of the system and the patented carbon fiber technology, it has the highest mechanical strength. The system can be used for all types of buildings, especially in very bright / dark finishing colors.

    Tekniset tiedot
    • Properties:

      - Insulation material: EPS acc. EN13163:2015
      - Render material: NQG silicone resin (hybrid) binder
      - Fire behavior (EN 13501-1): B - s2,d0
      - Reflection index (HBW) min.: ≥10
      - Color stability according to technical sheet BFS No. 26: Class A - Group 1
      - Resistance to mechanical stress: High
      - Resistance in environments with frost / thaw stresses: High
      - Resistance in marine environments: High
      - Resistance in polluted environments: High

      ETA certificates:
      ETA-07/0184 (Capatect ZF-Spachtel 699)

    Tekniset tiedot
    • Yksilöity viitecaparol-capatect-carbon-b-balt
    • TuoteperheETICS / EIFS / WDVS
    • TuoteryhmäEPS
    • TyyppiRakennusmateriaalit
    • Julkaisupäivä2022-04-29
    • Painoksen numero1
    • Ensisijainen materiaaliPolystyreeni (EPS)
    • Toissijainen materiaaliLaasti
    • Suunniteltu:Saksa
    • Valmistettu:Saksa
    • BIMobject-luokkaRakennusmateriaalit - Eristys

    Alueellinen saatavuus
