Combining the best of wet and dry cooling, the TrilliumSeries™ Adiabatic Condenser optimizes energy and water savings for the commercial and industrial refrigeration industries. It was the first adiabatic condenser in the U.S. and has the most installations worldwide. It automatically optimizes water and energy savings while delivering the lowest total cost of ownership with easy maintenance. Evaporative condensers are the industry standard energy efficient option for your refrigeration system. For those looking to maximize water savings while still saving energy, the TrilliumSeries™ Adiabatic Condenser is the solution for you.
Alueellinen saatavuus
Pohjois-Amerikka | Etelä-Amerikka |
Anguilla | Argentiina |
Antigua ja Barbuda | Bolivia |
Aruba | Brasilia |
Bahamasaaret | Chile |
Barbados | Ecuador |
Belize | Falklandinsaaret (Malvinassaaret) |
Bermuda | Guyana |
Brittiläiset Neitsytsaaret | Kolumbia |
Caribbean Netherlands | Paraguay |
Caymansaaret | Peru |
Costa Rica | Ranskan Guayana |
Curaçao | Surinam |
Dominica | Uruguay |
Dominikaaninen tasavalta | Venezuela |
El Salvador | |
Grenada | |
Grönlanti | |
Guadeloupe | |
Guatemala | |
Haiti | |
Honduras | |
Jamaika | |
Kanada | |
Kuuba | |
Martinique | |
Meksiko | |
Montserrat | |
Nicaragua | |
Panama | |
Puerto Rico | |
Saint Kitts ja Nevis | |
Saint Lucia | |
Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit | |
Saint-Barthélemy | |
Saint-Martin | |
Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon | |
Sint Maarten | |
Trinidad ja Tobago | |
Turks- ja Caicossaaret | |
Yhdysvallat | |
Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret |