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Vitocrossal 300 CT3U 500 kW RLA, GC1B

Vitocrossal 300 CT3U 500 kW RLA, GC1B

Advanced condensing technology makes the Vitocrossal a frugal condensing boiler that is suitable for many di erent applications. The Vitocrossal range, from 87 to 1400 kW, o ers a perfect solution for every application – from heating apartment buildings and public or commercial premises, through to generating heat in local heating networks. Advanced condensing technology The stainless steel Inox-Crossal heat exchanger provides ideal conditions for utilising condensing technology. The smooth stainless steel heat exchanger allows the condensate created by the condensing process to simply run o downwards. Combined with the smooth stainless steel surface, this creates a permanent self-cleaning e ect, thus ensuring that the condensing technology is utilised at a permanently high level, resulting in a longer service life whilst also reducing the maintenance e ort. The Vitocrossal 300 is available with a factory- fitted MatriX radiant burner or prepared for fitting ELCO or Weishaupt pressure-jet gas burners. The highly e ective heat transfer and the high condensation rate enable standard seasonal e ciencies [to DIN] up to 98 % (Hs) [gross cv] / 109 % (Hi) [net cv] to be achieved. These high levels of standard seasonal e ciency are the result of the countercurrent principle of hot gases and boiler water, along with intensive turbulation of the hot gases as they pass over the heating surface.
Especificaciones técnicas
  • ReferenciaCT3U002
  • Familia de productoHeating systems
  • Grupo de productosGas condensing boilers
  • TipoObjeto (objeto simple)
  • Día de publicación2018-02-11
  • Número de edición1
  • Altura (mm)1987
  • Ancho (mm)1221
  • Profundidad (mm)1800
Información relacionada
  • Material principalAcero
  • Material secundarioAluminio
  • Diseñado enAlemania
  • Fabricado enAlemania
  • Peso Neto (kg)795
  • Categoría BIMobjectHVAC - Calderas
  • Clasificación IFC Caldera
  • Nombre UNSPSCNatural gas powered boilers
  • Código UNSPSC40102004
  • Código Uniclass 2015Pr_60_60_08_34
  • Descripción Uniclass 2015Gas fired condensing boilers
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code23 52 16.13
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TítuloStainless-Steel Condensing Boilers
  • Número OmniClass23-33 11 13
  • Título OmniClass Condensing Boilers
  • CSI UniFormat II CódigoD3020
  • CSI UniFormat II TítuloHeat Generating Systems