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Stego® Crete Claw® Tape
Stego® Crete Claw® Tape
Stego® Crete Claw® Tape

    Stego® Crete Claw® Tape

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    Stego Crete Claw Tape es una cinta multicapa que se utiliza para sellar la barrera de vapor Stego® Wrap al perímetro de la losa mientras se coloca el concreto. Stego Crete Claw Tape permite que el concreto húmedo se vierta en la superficie superior texturizada para formar una unión/sello mecánico.

    Stego Crete Claw Tape está compuesta por una película de polietileno, una película de apertura y un adhesivo acrílico sensible a la presión.

    Stego Crete Claw Tape está disponible en rollos de seis y tres pulgadas de ancho.


       PART 1 - GENERAL

       1.1               SUMMARY

      A.          Productssupplied under this section:

      1.           Vapor barrier and installationaccessories for installation under concrete slabs.

      B.          Relatedsections:

      1.                 Section 03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete

      2.                 Section 07 26 00 Vapor Retarders

       1.2        REFERENCES

      A.          AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

      1.           ASTM E1745-17 Standard Specificationfor Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular FillUnder Concrete Slabs.

      2.           ASTM E1643-11 Selection, Design,Installation, and Inspection of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact withEarth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs.

      B.          TechnicalReference - American Concrete Institute (ACI):

      1.           ACI 302.2R-06 Guide for ConcreteSlabs that Receive Moisture-Sensitive Flooring Materials.

      2.           ACI 302.1R-15 Guide to Concrete Floorand Slab Construction.

       1.3        SUBMITTALS

      A.          Qualitycontrol/assurance:

      1.           Summary of test results per paragraph9.3 of ASTM E1745.

      2.           Manufacturer's samples andliterature.

      3.           Manufacturer's installationinstructions for placement, seaming, penetration prevention and repair, andperimeter seal per ASTM E1643.

      4.           All mandatory ASTM E1745 testing mustbe performed on a single production roll per ASTM E1745 Section 8.1.

       PART 2 - PRODUCTS

      2.1        MATERIALS

                    A.          Vapor barrier shall have all of thefollowing qualities:

      1.           Maintain permeance of less than 0.01Perms [grains/(ft2 · hr ·  inHg)] as tested in accordance with mandatory conditioningtests per ASTM E1745 Section 7.1 (7.1.1-7.1.5).

      2.           Other performance criteria:

      a.           Strength: ASTM E1745 Class A.

      b.           Thickness:  15 mils minimum

      3.           Provide third party documentationthat all testing was performed on a single production roll per ASTM E1745Section 8.1

      B.          Vaporbarrier products:

      1.           Basis of Design: Stego Wrap VaporBarrier (15-mil) by Stego Industries LLC., (877) 464-7834

      2.           No substitutions.

       2.2        ACCESSORIES

      A.          Seams:

      1.           Stego Tape by Stego Industries LLC,(877) 464-7834

      B.          SealingPenetrations of Vapor barrier: 

      1.           Stego Mastic by Stego Industries LLC,(877) 464-7834

      2.           StegoTape by Stego Industries LLC, (877) 464-7834

      C.          Perimeter/edgeseal:

      1.           Stego Crete Claw by Stego IndustriesLLC, (877) 464-7834

      2.           StegoTerm Bar by Stego Industries LLC, (877) 464-7834

      3.           StegoTackTape (double-sided sealant tape) by Stego Industries LLC, (877)

      D.          PenetrationPrevention:

      1.                 Beast Foot by Stego Industries LLC, (877) 464-7834

      E.           VaporBarrier-Safe Screed System

      1.                 Beast Screed by Stego Industries, LLC, (877)

        PART 3 - EXECUTION

       3.1        PREPARATION

      A.          Ensurethat subsoil is approved by Architect or Geotechnical Engineer.

      1.           Level and compact base material.

       3.2        INSTALLATION

      A.          Installvapor barrier in accordance ASTM E1643.

      1.           Unroll vapor barrier with the longestdimension parallel with the direction of the concrete placement and face lapsaway from the expected direction of the placement whenever possible.

      2.           Extend vapor barrier to the perimeterof the slab. If practicable, terminate it at the top of the slab, otherwise (a)at a point acceptable to the structural engineer or (b) where obstructed byimpediments, such as dowels, waterstops, or any other site condition requiringearly termination of the vapor barrier. At the point of termination, seal vaporbarrier to the foundation wall, grade beam or slab itself.            

                    [Specifiernote: The perimeter seal can be handled several ways.  When sealing to the slab,

                    Crete Claw is the best option.  When sealing to a stem wall or wall,

                    the best option is to use StegoTack Tape orboth StegoTack Tape and Stego Term Bar.]

      a.           Seal vapor barrier to the entire slabperimeter using Stego Crete Claw, per manufacturer's instructions.


      b.           Seal vapor barrier to the entireperimeter wall or footing/grade beam with double sided StegoTack Tape, or bothStego Term Bar and StegoTack Tape, per manufacturer's instructions.  Ensure the concrete is clean and dry prior toadhering tape.

      3.           Overlap joints 6 inches and seal withmanufacturer's seam tape.

      4.           Apply seam tape/Crete Claw to a cleanand dry vapor barrier.

      5.           Seal all penetrations (includingpipes) per manufacturer's instructions.

      6.           For interior forming applications,avoid the use of non-permanent stakes driven through vapor barrier.  Use blunt-end and/or threaded nail stakes(screed pad posts) and insert them into Beast Foot. Ensure Beast Foot'speel-and-stick adhesive base is fully adhered to the vapor barrier

      7.           If non-permanent stakes must bedriven through vapor retarder, repair as recommended by vapor retardermanufacturer.

      8.           Use reinforcing bar supports withbase sections that eliminate or minimize the potential for puncture of thevapor barrier.

      9.           Repair damaged areas with vaporbarrier material of similar (or better) permeance, puncture and tensile.

      10.        For vapor barrier-safe concrete screedingapplications, install Beast Screed (vapor barrier-safe screed system) permanufacturer's instructions prior to placing concrete.


    Especificaciones técnicas
    • Referenciastego003
    • Familia de productoThermal and Moisture Protective Products
    • Grupo de productosStego Crete Claw
    • TipoObjeto (objeto simple)
    • Día de publicación2019-02-01
    • Número de edición2
    Información relacionada
    • Material principalPolietileno
    • Material secundarioAcrílico
    • Diseñado enEstados Unidos
    • Fabricado enEstados Unidos
    • Categoría BIMobjectMateriales de construcción - Impermeabilización
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code07 26 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TítuloVapor Retarders

    Disponibilidad en regiones

    Norteamérica Oceanía Sudamerica
    Antigua y Barbuda
    Nueva Zelanda
    Caribe Neerlandés
    Costa Rica
    El Salvador
    Estados Unidos
    Islas Caimán
    Islas Turcas y Caicos
    Islas Vírgenes Británicas
    Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos
    Puerto Rico
    República Dominicana
    Saint Barthélemy
    San Cristóbal y Nieves
    San Martín
    San Pedro y Miquelón
    San Vicente y las Granadinas
    Santa Lucía
    Sint Maarten
    Trinidad y Tobago