Mampostería en bloques de hormigón, realizada por una empresa en posesión de la certificación del sistema de calidad según UNI EN-ISO 9001: 2008 y UNI EN-ISO14001: 2004, del tipo BC20 de seis agujeros
Manufacturing dimensions equal to 490x195x192 mm, ribs thickness 20 mm, dry weight equal to 19 kg, drilling percentage equal to 55% [F4], average normalized resistance> = 4 N / mm2, dimensional tolerances equal to +/- 2 mm in height, +1 - 3 mm in length, -1 + 3 mm in width, thermal resistance of dry wall 0.378 m2 K / W, laid with mortar M2. Included: the formation of edges and folds, the appellations, the processing for styling and cleaning of joints