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Architectural Masonry Units - Gemstone®

Architectural Masonry Units - Gemstone®

The natural aggregates in our Gemstone® units are brought forth by grinding the face of the unit to a smooth “burnished” finish; a light coat of sealer is then applied to help protect the block during delivery and installation and also to give it an added sheen and to assist in the resistance of natural elements that can affect the surface. Gemstone units are used in both internal and external building applications.

  • Gemstone® architectural masonry units are integrally colored, and are finished by grinding the face to expose the aggregates. An acrylic sealer is then applied to all finished faces during production at the factory.

    Gemstone® units are manufactured to comply with ASTM C-90. Additionally, all units contain integral water repellent for moisture and efflorescence control.

    A field-applied acrylic sealer is recommended for all Gemstone® installations. This application will highlight the aggregates, add increased water resistance, and can provide additional moisture protection of the wall envelope mortar joints as it is sprayed or rolled over the wall surface.

    Gemstone® units can be provided with any face finished (front, back, or either end), depending on your project needs. Production capabilities include all typical CMU sizes and shapes including:
    - 4x8x16, 6x8x16, 8x8x16, 10x8x16 and 12x8x16 in hollow and solid units.
    - 4x8x24, 4x12x24, 4x16x24, 4x12x12 and 4x16x16 solid units.
    - Bullnose or chamfered edges
    - Specialty shapes such as bond beams, sills, insulated units, accoustical units, etc.

    For further information, please refer to the latest version of ASTM C 90, contact your YBP representative, or contact YBP’s Customer Care at or 800.673.2408.

Technical specification
  • Unique ref.york-building-products-cmu-gemstone
  • Product familyConcrete Masonry Units
  • Product groupStandard CMU
  • TypeObject (single object)
  • Date of publishing2025-03-25
  • Edition number1
  • Material mainConcrete
  • Designed inUnited States
  • Manufactured inUnited States
  • BIMobject CategoryBuilding Materials - Bricks & Blocks
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code04 22 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleConcrete Unit Masonry
  • OmniClass Number23-13 21 11 11
  • OmniClass TitleConcrete Blocks

Region availability

North America
United States