- Watts LOCKSMITH exclusive controller for 1.5” and 2” systems
- Low salt alarm – Display alerts users when salt needs to be replenished
- Visual color screen for “at-a-glance” status
- Service contact screen – System alerts users when maintenance is required and provides dealer contact information
- Progressive mode – Link up to 4 softening systems together to operate in progressive mode with no additional control units required
- Remote regeneration – Supports remote regeneration input for automatic backwashing to increase softener efficiency
- Advanced programmable features including brine reclaim, AIO and more for optimal operation efficiency
- 2-12V relay outputs for increased configurability and ability to energize external equipment
- Extensive additional programmable capabilities
Keywords: brackishwatertreatment, calciumandmagnesiumremovalfromwater, cation exchange, desalination, duplex, frpsoftener, ionicrejection, lab, laboratorywater, membrane, membraneseparation, osmoticpressure, resinsystem, reverseosmosispretreatment, reverseosmosissystem, ro tdsremoval, sodiumcycle, spotfreerinse, tdsreduction, totaldissolvedsolids, twinalternating, water hardness reduction, water softener, waterhardnessremoval, watts premier, watts, plumbing, water filtration, water filters, water softerners