K-THERM LM is a thermal insulation system using mineral wool boards aver masonry and concrete.
• Non-combustible: classification A2,s1-d0
• Possibility to have a 100% mineral system
• Improved acoustic performance
• Very high breathability
• Suitable for several types of construction eihter new or renovation.
• IMH, IGH, collective housing or commercial buildings (all sizes), individual houses.
• Accepted by the consortium of "Les Architectes des bâtiments de France" (ABF)
• Siloxane mineral finish.
• Suitable for all architectural configurations.
• Renovation of External Thermal Insulation Systems already in place (ETICS): K5, K6 and K7.
• Concured in obtaining BBC, HPE, THPE, BEPOS, EnerPHit or Passivhaus labels, and benefits from financial aid such as "MaPrimeRénov".