Series LFCSM-61-S Flow Measurement Valves are designed for application on low or medium flow rate HVAC units and for domes- tic water recirculation system. Their compact size allows for easy installation and use in crowded piping compartments. The LFCSM- 61's ball-type design, extended throttling range, and large indicator plate, make for accurate flow measurement, even in very low flow ranges.
The LFCSM-61-S's positive memory feature is easy to see, access, and operate, facilitating system balancing and flow measurement. These valves are also bi-directional, so there is no chance of installing the valve in the incorrect flow direction.
Series LFCSM-61-S's valves provide positive shutoff, eliminating the need for a separate service valve. These may be installed without disassembly, saving costly installation time. These valves are also provided with blowout resistant stems. The LFCSM-61-S features Lead Free* construction to comply with Lead Free* installation requirements.