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VMBSO_Green roof_Membrane Mastersystems EPDM
VMBSO_Green roof_Membrane Mastersystems EPDM
VMBSO_Green roof_Membrane Mastersystems EPDM
VMBSO_Green roof_Membrane Mastersystems EPDM
VMBSO_Green roof_Membrane Mastersystems EPDM

    VMBSO_Green roof_Membrane Mastersystems EPDM

    MASTERSYSTEMS EPDM membranes of VM Building Solutions, are manufactured using a patented hot-melt adhesive technology to bond a fleece backing to the EPDM sheeting. MASTERSYSTEMS EPDM membranes are available in total sheet thicknesses of 2.2 mm and are manufactured with with reinforcing felt on the underside. Available with Pre-Tape to ensure consistent, quality seams.

    Mastersystems and expensive vegetation: Botanipack, used with Mastersystems, are extensive greening systems for flat roofs.

    Botanipack consists of a selection of 5 varieties of sedum suitable for all environments. The packs are pre-cultivated for immediate use and rendering. The honeycomb structure of the pack is perfectly adapted to the holding of the substrate and its design allows a good grip for easy implementation.

    • Thickness: 2.2 mm

      Widths: 3.05 m / 1.52 m

      Lengths: 15.25 m / 12.20 m

      Pre-Tape Version:
      W x L: 1.525 x 12.20 m
      W x L: 3.05 x 15.25 m
      Weight: 1.5 kg / m²

      Types of roofs
      Accessible, non-accessible and technical roofs, with a slope in accordance with standard NF P 84 series 200 (DTU series 43), or technical advice from the support.
      In new construction or renovation.


      * Masonry
      * Aerated concrete
      * Wood and wood products
      * Non-loadbearing insulation (surfaced PIR, surfaced PUR, cellular glass with bitumen sheet bonded to the EAC, surfaced mineral wools, surfaced expanded perlite)
      * Old bituminous seals

      Classement FIT: F5 I5 T4

    Technical specification
    • Unique ref.Green-roof-Membrane-MASTERSYSTEMS-EPDM
    • Product familyROOF INSULATION
    • Product groupEPDM Collection
    • TypeAssembly (multiple objects)
    • Date of publishing2024-09-09
    • Edition number1
    • Depth (mm)2.2
    • Designed inFrance
    • Manufactured inFrance
    • BIMobject CategoryConstruction Materials - Waterproofing & Membranes
    • IFC classificationRoof
    • UNSPSC nameRoofing membranes
    • UNSPSC code30151505
    • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_25_57_51_27
    • Uniclass 2015 DescriptionEthylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) geomembranes
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code07 50 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleMembrane Roofing
    • OmniClass Number23-13 39 31
    • OmniClass TitleRoof Membranes
    • CSI UniFormat II CodeB3010
    • CSI UniFormat II TitleRoof Coverings

    Region availability
