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K-therm CL PSE
K-therm CL PSE

    K-therm CL PSE

    K-THERM allows you to enjoy all the benefits of a facade renovation by restoring the aesthetics of a building while reducing the energy bill for the occupants and increasing the market value of the property.

    • K-THERM CL PSE is a thermal insulation system using expanded polystyrene (EPS) boards in combination of two elements: K-THERM COLLE MCR and K-THERM RPE SILOXANE.

      • Simple & practical implementation

      • Best cost/performance ratio

      • Suitable for several types of construction eihter new or renovation.

      • Individual houses, collective housing or commercial buildings < 28 metres.

      • Accepted by the consortium of "Les Architectes des bâtiments de France" (ABF)

      • Siloxane mineral finish.

      • Suitable for all architectural configurations.

      • Renovation of External Thermal Insulation Systems already in place (ETICS): K5, K6 and K7.

      • Concured in obtaining BBC, HPE, THPE, BEPOS, EnerPHit or Passivhaus labels, and benefits from financial aid such as "MaPrimeRénov".

    Technical specification
    • Unique ref.K-therm-CL-PSE
    • Product familypeinture façade
    • Product groupIsolation thermique par l'extérieur
    • TypeBuilding Materials
    • Date of publishing2023-05-15
    • Edition number1
    • Material mainAcrylic
    • Designed inFrance
    • Manufactured inFrance
    • BIMobject CategoryConstruction Materials - Paint, Varnishes & Finishes
    • IFC classificationObject
    • OmniClass Number23-15 21 11
    • OmniClass TitlePaints and Varnishes

    Region availability
