Technical details:
- Avaible sizes: 56, 80, 110, 140 (from 3,6 to 12,5 kW) - 2HP, 3HP, 4HP and 5HP
- Cooling range to -15°C
- Heating range to -27°C
- Eco-driving Twin Rotary Compressor
- Max pipe length to 75 m
- With low GWP gas R32
System combination:
- Smart Cassette 4way 90x90 (56, 80, 110, 140)
- Compact cassette 4way 60x60 (56)
- Standard cassette 4way 90x90 (56, 80, 110, 140)
- Slim Duct (56)
- Standard Duct (56, 80, 110, 140)
- Hi-wall (56, 80, 110)
- Ceiling (56, 80, 110, 140)