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Poland-Berker R.1
Poland-Berker R.1
Poland-Berker R.1
Poland-Berker R.1
Poland-Berker R.1
Poland-Berker R.1
Poland-Berker R.1
Poland-Berker R.1
Poland-Berker R.1
Poland-Berker R.1

    Poland-Berker R.1

    Aside from the point and the straight line, the circle represents one of the oldest elements of geometry. And yet, it never ceases to surprise. Such as in the form of the Berker R.1 design line. This can be as pure and elegant as it is intense and unmistakable.

    For almost every architectural concept: - Frames of the Berker R.1 design line are available in glass: black, polar white, aluminium, stainless steel, slate, concrete, oak, leather, plastic: black, polar white, acrylic: red, orange. The rockers and other covers are available in plastic: black, polar white.

    Since 2010 the Berker brand has been part of the Hager Group.

    • Technical information:

      IP44 capable

      Versions: 1x to 5x (except slate / concrete: 1x to 3x) /
      horizontal and vertical
      External dimensions (1x): 81.2 x 81.2 mm

    Technical specification
    • Unique ref.PL-berker_r1
    • Product familyPortfolio Poland
    • Product groupPL-Switch and Sockets
    • TypeDigital Inventory (Products)
    • Date of publishing2022-09-28
    • Edition number1
    • BIMobject CategoryElectrical - Outlets & Sockets
    • IFC classificationElectrical Element
    • UNSPSC nameElectrical fittings
    • UNSPSC code39121311
    • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_65_72_97_84
    • Uniclass 2015 DescriptionStandard socket outlets
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code40 78 19
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleSwitches and Push Buttons
    • OmniClass Number23-35 37 00
    • OmniClass TitleElectrical Switches
    • CSI UniFormat II CodeD50
    • CSI UniFormat II TitleELECTRICAL

    Region availability
