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Coral Coralit Galvanized Primer
Coral Coralit Galvanized Primer

    Coral Coralit Galvanized Primer

    Coral Coralit Galvanized Primer is a white matte synthetic primer that provides excellent adhesion of galvanized and aluminum metal protecting for much longer the beauty of the final finish. 

    It has excellent adhesion, excellent performance, and is easy to apply and sand. It has durability of 10 years *. 

    It is suitable for external application in aluminum and galvanized metals. * When combined primer and synthetic enamel from Coralit family.

    • Available sizes and their yields: 3.6 L - 50 m²; 0.9 l - up to 12.5 m².

      Application surface recommendation: Metals.

      Recommended application environments: Outdoor.

      Dilution: Application with brush or roller: dilute up to 10% with Coral Turpentine. Application with gun: dilute up to 30% with Coral Turpentine.

      Application tools: Large areas: foam roller or application gun. On small areas apply with a soft bristles brush. Clean the tools with Coral Turpentine.

      Drying: To the touch: 4 to 6 hours Drying between coats: 8 to 12 hours. Final: 18 to 24 hours.

      Coats: 1

    Technical specification
    • Unique ref.CR-CORALIT-FUNDO-GAL
    • Product familyPaint, Varnishes & Finishes
    • Product groupPaint Complements & Others
    • TypeObject (single object)
    • Date of publishing2021-05-07
    • Edition number1
    • Material mainPaint
    • Material secondaryPaint
    • Designed inBrazil
    • Manufactured inBrazil
    • BIMobject CategoryConstruction Materials - Paint, Varnishes & Finishes
    • IFC classificationObject
    • ETIM CodeEG020100
    • ETIM NameBuilding - Finishing materials
    • UNSPSC nameFinishing materials and products
    • UNSPSC code301519
    • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_35_31_66_81
    • Uniclass 2015 DescriptionSolvent-borne metal primers
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code09 90 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitlePainting and Coating
    • OmniClass Number23-15 21 11
    • OmniClass TitlePaints and Varnishes
    • CSI UniFormat II CodeC3010
    • CSI UniFormat II TitleWall Finishes

    Region availability

    South America Africa
    The Gambia