A flat tile that combines modernity and classic appearance.
Fitting tolerance for flexible installation.
Type: Small flat cast clay tile. Number of tiles per m²: from 19.2 to 20.3 Unit weight: ≈ 2.3 kg. Weight per m²: from 44.2 to 46.7 kg. Overall length: ≈ 32.8 cm. Overall width: ≈ 22.6 cm. Useful width: ≈ from 18.6 to 18.8 cm. Variable longitudinal gauge: 26,6 to 27,6 cm. Minimum slope (Protected site with under-roof): 45 % / 24°23’. Longitudinal fitting tolerance: 1 cm. Transversal fitting tolerance: 0.3 cm. Linear metre of batten/m²: from 3.7 lm. Laying: Laid with staggered joints from right to left. Product standard: NF EN 1304. Application standard: NF P 31-203 [DTU 40.211]. Tile profile category: Category G0. Silicone product: An additive is necessary for the seals. Number of tiles per pallet: 510 Weight per pallet: 1180kg. Production site: Roumazières plant.