The wood of the cherry tree is popular among woodworkers for being a very well-rounded species. It is cheaper than walnut, more workable than maple and oak, and exhibits some of the most beautiful colors and grain patterns of any domestic species.
Technical specification
Unique ref.wood_cherry
Product familyMaterials
Product groupBuilding materials
TypeBuilding Material
Date of publishing2016-01-01
Edition number1
Material mainWood
BIMobject CategoryBuilding Materials - Wood
IFC classificationMaterial
UNSPSC namePanelboards
UNSPSC code39121103
Uniclass 2015 CodeAc_05_50_91
Uniclass 2015 DescriptionTimber sourcing
CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code06 00 00
CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleWood, Plastics, and Composites