Time flow shower column:
Anodised aluminium shower column ready to fit.
Fitted with two showers and one foot-rinse.
Bottom inlet via stopcock F¾".
TEMPOSOFT 2 time flow valves for mixed water supply.
Soft-touch operation.
Time flow ~15 seconds.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower heads with automatic flow rate regulation at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Stainless steel foot-rinse with flow rate 3 lpm at 3 bar.
Time flow ~7 seconds.
Access panel with isolation valve and purge.
Can easily be protected or taken apart in winter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
30-year warranty.
Region availability
Asia | Europe | Africa | South America | Oceania | North America |
Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Argentina | Australia | Belize |
Armenia | Austria | Angola | Bolivia | Fiji | Canada |
Azerbaijan | Belarus | Benin | Brazil | New Caledonia | Costa Rica |
Bangladesh | Belgium | Botswana | Chile | New Zealand | Cuba |
Bhutan | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Papua New Guinea | Dominican Republic |
Brunei | Bulgaria | Burundi | Ecuador | Solomon Islands | El Salvador |
Cambodia | Croatia | Cameroon | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Timor-Leste | Greenland |
China | Cyprus | Central African Republic | French Guiana | Vanuatu | Guatemala |
Georgia | Czech Republic | Chad | Guyana | Haiti | |
India | Denmark | Côte d'Ivoire | Paraguay | Honduras | |
Indonesia | Estonia | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Peru | Jamaica | |
Iran | Finland | Djibouti | Suriname | Mexico | |
Iraq | France | Egypt | Uruguay | Nicaragua | |
Israel | Germany | Equatorial Guinea | Venezuela | Panama | |
Japan | Greece | Eritrea | Puerto Rico | ||
Jordan | Hungary | Eswatini | The Bahamas | ||
Kazakhstan | Iceland | Ethiopia | Trinidad and Tobago | ||
Kuwait | Ireland | Gabon | United States | ||
Kyrgyzstan | Italy | Ghana | |||
Laos | Latvia | Guinea | |||
Lebanon | Lithuania | Guinea-Bissau | |||
Malaysia | Luxembourg | Kenya | |||
Mongolia | Moldova | Lesotho | |||
Myanmar (Burma) | Montenegro | Liberia | |||
Nepal | Netherlands | Libya | |||
North Korea | North Macedonia | Madagascar | |||
Oman | Norway | Malawi | |||
Pakistan | Poland | Mali | |||
Palestine | Portugal | Mauritania | |||
Philippines | Romania | Morocco | |||
Qatar | Russia | Mozambique | |||
Saudi Arabia | Serbia | Namibia | |||
South Korea | Slovakia | Niger | |||
Sri Lanka | Slovenia | Nigeria | |||
Syria | Spain | Republic of the Congo | |||
Taiwan | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Rwanda | |||
Tajikistan | Sweden | Senegal | |||
Thailand | Switzerland | Sierra Leone | |||
Türkiye | Ukraine | Somalia | |||
Turkmenistan | United Kingdom | South Africa | |||
United Arab Emirates | South Sudan | ||||
Uzbekistan | Sudan | ||||
Vietnam | Tanzania | ||||
Yemen | The Gambia | ||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Western Sahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |