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Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]
Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]
Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]
Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]
Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]
Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]
Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]
Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]
Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]
Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]

    Fabric with A modern interpretation from an old design [ striped olive ]


    In horizontaler Richtung kann ein einzelnes Muster über die gesamte Breite gewebt werden, anstatt das Muster zu wiederholen. Muster aus alten Musterbüchern wurden modern arrangiert. Ein vertikaler Rapport beträgt ca. 500 mm.
    (Oliv/Blau/Gold Erhältlich in drei Farben)

    • Brand name : Watabun / item's stock number : KY-WBI-003-FBW / Series・Product name : striped olive / Technique : Nishijin-Ori・Nishiki-Ori / Material : Silk, polyester, nylon / Max. weaving width : 640mm

      Download Image Size:W623mmxH506mm

    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerKY-WBI-003-FBW
    • ProduktfamilieTextile
    • ProduktgruppeFabric Textile
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2022-01-31
    • Editionsnummer1
    • HauptmaterialStoff
    • Entwickelt inJapan
    • Hergestellt inJapan
    • BIMobject KategorieTextilstoffe - Stoffe