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CORAYVAC® and CORAYVAC® Modulating Heating Control; Custom-designed infrared heating system

CORAYVAC® and CORAYVAC® Modulating Heating Control; Custom-designed infrared heating system

Hocheffizientes, kondensierendes Infrarot-Heizsystem mit modulierenden Brennern und erweiterten Steuerungen CORAYVAC® ist ein energieeffizientes System aufgrund seines vakuumbetriebenen Brenner-in-Serien-Designs in Kombination mit seiner Fähigkeit zur Kondensation. Das Senken der Abgastemperatur bringt mehr Wärme in den Raum, die weniger durch den Auspuff verschwendet wird, was zu zusätzlicher Effizienz und Kraftstoffeinsparungen führt. Auch wenn das kontinuierliche CORAYVAC®-System eine hervorragende Möglichkeit zur Maximierung der Wärmeverteilung darstellt, kann das System durch die Kombination von modulierenden CORAYVAC®-Brennern mit CORAYVAC® Modulating Heating Control und unseren neuen hocheffizienten Reflektoren so konzipiert werden, dass Hotspots praktisch eliminiert und das Äußerste erreicht werden Komfort und Kraftstoffeffizienz. Die Kombination aus sanfter, gleichmäßiger Wärme führt zu einem der effizientesten und effektivsten gasbefeuerten Infrarot-Heizsysteme mit geringer Intensität, die es heute in der Branche gibt.
  • Input (Btu/h) * (1000): 20, 40, 60, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 

    Clearances to Combustibles (Clearances to Combustibles applies to heater hanging horizontally. Dimension listed for distance below heater.): 48in - 60in / 4ft - 5ft 

    Fuel Type: Natural Gas or LPG Propane

    Heat Exchanger Tubing: 10ft sections, 4" dia., 16 gauge hot rolled aluminized, heat-treated aluminized, porcelain coated
    (interior and exterior) steel tubing, or 4" schedule 40 pipe

    Reflector and End Caps: .024 Aluminum (Optional- .024 Stainless Steel Type 304) 

    Control System: Fully Automatic, Three-Try, 100% Shut-off, Direct Spark Electronic Ignition Control 

    Certification: ANSI Z83.20 / CSA 2.34, 2.17, 2.20

    Warranty: Three Year Limited

    A CORAVYAC® low-intensity infrared heating system is not your average "tube heater". CORAYVAC® in a premier infrared heating system for industrial or agricultural facilities that provides flexible design options with the ability to focus heat in a specific area such as loading docks, or heat the entire space to match the specific building requirements.

    • High efficiency reflectors direct more radiant heat to occupied areas than any other reflector in the industry
    • Negative pressure burners-in-series design for increased radiant comfort and even heat distribution
    • Can be designed an on/off system or fully modulating
    • Control options that can integrate with an existing BMS system through BACnet, Modus, or Lonworks. Or be a stand-alone controller.
    • Up to 1.6 mil BTU per system reduces building penetration
    • Design flexibility allows system to provide radiant heat to center of building with a side-wall flue penetration

    Gas-fired low-intensity infrared tube heaters are an extremely efficient and high comfort heating solution. Low-intensity tube heaters provide more design flexibility than any other type of infrared heater with the ability to direct heat only where needed in spot heating applications. Or designed to heat and maintain high comfort levels for an entire space, including buildings with high ceilings.

    Gas-fired low intensity infrared tube heaters are ideal for applications such as: loading docks (dock doors), auto/vehicle repair shops, warehouses, distribution centers, manufacturing, airplane hangars, high heat-loss areas, greenhouses (e.g. flowers, cannabis, etc...), firehouses, outdoor patios (hospitality), chicken houses, hog houses, horse barns, military, and more! 

Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummerrobertsgordon-corayvac
  • ProduktfamilieCommercial and Industrial Infrared Heating System
  • ProduktgruppeCORAYVAC® and CORAYVAC® Modulating Heating Control
  • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2015-02-01
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialStahl
  • Sekundär MaterialAluminium
  • Entwickelt inUSA
  • Hergestellt inUSA
  • BIMobject KategorieHLK - Technik - Heizkörper
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_70_60_36_72
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungRadiant tube heaters
  • Klassifizierung23 55 23
  • Format2014TitelGas-Fired Radiant Heaters
  • OmniClassNummer23-33 15 17 13
  • OmniClassTitelFuel Fired HVAC Radiant Heaters

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