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RESOPLAN 3 - Exterior Kompakt Hochdruckschichstoff (HPL)

RESOPLAN 3 - Exterior Kompakt Hochdruckschichstoff (HPL)

RESOPLAN® RESOPLAN® is the large sized RESOPAL® board for facades, balconies and other external cladding for everything from homes to large or industrial buildings. RESOPLAN® is a durable, solid and self-supporting board, impact and break resistant with a lightfast and weatherproof RESOPAL®surface perfect for exterior use. It supports a wide variety of design possibilities both colour and design selection, joints, as well as the choice of fastening system. RESOPLAN® is corrosion, frost, hail and rot proof. All that is needed to clean the surface is soap or alkaline detergents. RESOPLAN® is environmentally compatible.
Technische Spezifikation
  • ReferenznummerRES030023
  • ProduktfamilieHigh Pressure Laminate (HPL)
  • ProduktgruppeResopal Compact Exterior
  • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2019-02-28
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialLaminat
  • Entwickelt inDeutschland
  • Hergestellt inDeutschland
  • BIMobject KategorieBaumaterialien - Plattenbaustoffe und Laminate
  • IFCClassificationMaterial
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_25_71_94_37
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungHigh-pressure decorative laminates (HPL or HPDL)
  • Klassifizierung06 42 19
  • Format2014TitelPlastic-Laminate-Faced Wood Paneling
  • CSIUniFormatIICodeB2010
  • CSIUniFormatIITitleExterior Walls