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Automatic glass hermetic door Single-Side-Automatic-with single frame

Automatic glass hermetic door Single-Side-Automatic-with single frame

Die hermetischen Clear View-Glastüren sind Manusa-spezifische Designs, die die in bestimmten Umgebungen erforderliche Luftdichtheit gewährleisten und eine umfassende Sicht auf das Innere des Raums ermöglichen. Die beste Option für Beobachtungsbereiche in Gebäuden im Gesundheits- und Medizinbereich, beispielsweise Beobachtungsräume in Krankenhäusern und Intensivstationen.
  • Guarantees maximum airtightness thanks to the hermetic seal around the perimeter once the door is closed.It has the highest tightness classification tested against the UNE 85170:2016 and UNE-EN 121207:2017 standards. Maintains the desired pressure, hygiene, temperature and humidity conditions. They feature maximum safety systems for people and for maintaining correct operation They incorporate obstruction-detection systems with automatic reopening, as well as unlock systems to allow manual opening in the event of a power cut. They strictly adhere to the standards both for the product and its use. Can be installed with glass with integrated self-dimming window Venetian blind or electro-polarised glass, to provide opaqueness or transparency as required. The Clear View glass hermetic doors are Manusa-specific designs, that guarantee the airtightness necessary in specific environments, providing extensive visibility of the interior of the room. Provides a wide range of customization options, with different profile types and tempered or laminated glass with a thickness between 6 mm and 10 mm.
Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummerautomatic-glass-hermetic-door-single-side-automatic-with-single-frame
  • ProduktfamilieAUTOMATIC DOORS
  • ProduktgruppeGlass Hermetic Door
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2023-09-07
  • Editionsnummer1
  • Höhe (mm)2600
  • Breite (mm)1800
  • Tiefe (mm)220
  • HauptmaterialAluminium
  • Sekundär MaterialGlas
  • Entwickelt inSpanien
  • Hergestellt inSpanien
  • BIMobject KategorieTüren - Schiebetüren
  • IFCClassificationTür
  • OmniClassNummer23-17 11 23 13
  • OmniClassTitelSliding All Glass Doors