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Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm
Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm
Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm
Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm
Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm
Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm
Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm
Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm
Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm
Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm

    Pipe Bracket (Wood) Diameter: 110 mm

    Der Rohrhalter (Holz) wird an die Fassade geschraubt und sichert so das Fallrohr. Pro Fallrohr müssen mindestens zwei Rohrschellen vorhanden sein, die mit dem Keil der Schelle arretiert werden.
    • Areco has a complete range of roof drainage products. In addition to extreme durability, this system also provides exceptional fitting accuracy. The products are manufactured from top quality raw material and with high performance, in our fully automated production line in Malmö, Sweden. All of the production lines consist of computer-controlled, fully automated machines and industrial robots. This is to ensure that we fulfil both the toughest technical specifications and environmental demands. Hang gutters are available in dimensions 125 and 150 mm, pipes and holders in dimensions 75, 90, 100 and 110 mm, including all accessories necessary for your installation.
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerARS-PIPEBRACKET-W110
    • ProduktfamilieRoof Drainage
    • ProduktgruppeRoof
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2019-12-10
    • Editionsnummer1
    • HauptmaterialVerzinkter Stahl
    • Entwickelt inSchweden
    • Hergestellt inSchweden
    • BIMobject KategorieKonstruktionselemente - Dachzubehör

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