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Genesis® Circulating Hot water Heater

Genesis® Circulating Hot water Heater

AO Smith Genesis® Warmwasserbereiter bieten alles, was Sie sich von einem nicht kondensierenden Warmwasserbereiter wünschen können. Sie bieten einen nahezu kondensierenden thermischen Wirkungsgrad von 85 %, eine hervorragende Belüftungsflexibilität, ein platzsparendes stapelbares Design und ein sauber verbrennendes, gebläseunterstütztes Verbrennungssystem mit niedrigen NOx-Emissionen, das die strengsten kalifornischen Standards erfüllt. Genesis Inputs reichen von 400.000 bis über 2 Millionen BTU in einem zweistufigen Brenneraufbau. Versiegelte Verbrennung, Edelstahlbrenner und eine Vollbronzepumpe sind einige der großartigen Merkmale, die Sie bei diesem Warmwasserbereiter finden werden. Entlüftungen in der gemeinsamen Entlüftung „B“ für Installationen der Kategorie 1 und Entlüftung aus Edelstahl AL-29-4C für Installationen der Kategorie IV. Erhältlich mit einem optionalen Cupro-Nickel-Wärmetauscher und BMS-Integration Dies ist ein Warmwasserbereiter, der alle Ihre Anforderungen an die Warmwasserbereitung erfüllt.
  • The WATER HEATER shall be a A. O. Smith Genesis Model GWH_________ having an input rating of _________ Btu/hr, a recovery capacity of _________ gallons per hour at a 100° F rise and shall be operated on (Natural Gas) (L.P. Gas). The water containing section shall be of a “Fin Tube” design, with straight copper tubes having extruded integral fins spaced seven (7) fins per inch. The tubes shall terminate into a one piece, glass lined, cast iron header. There shall be no bolts, gaskets or “O” rings in the head configuration. There shall be access to the front header of the heat exchanger for the purposes of inspection, cleaning or repair. The heat exchanger shall be mounted in a stress free jacket assembly in order to provide a “free floating design” able to withstand the effects of thermal shock. The WATER HEATER shall bear the ASME “HLW” stamp for 160 PSI working pressure and shall be National Board listed. The complete heat exchanger assembly shall carry a five (5) year limited warranty. The WATER HEATER shall be equipped with a factory supplied circulating pump of sufficient capacity to ensure scale free heater performance. The pump shall be all bronze and provided for operation on 120 volt, 60 cycle, 1 phase power supply (unless otherwise specified). The combustion chamber shall be sealed and completely enclosed with ceramic fiberboard insulation. A burner/flame observation port shall be provided at both ends of the water heater. The burners shall be a premix design and be constructed of high temperature stainless steel and fire on a horizontal plane. The WATER HEATER shall be constructed with a heavy gauge galvanized steel jacket assembly, primed and pre-painted on both sides with a minimum dry film thickness of 0.70 mils. The WATER HEATER shall be certified and listed by C.S.A. International under the latest edition of the harmonized ANSI Z21.13 test standard for the US and Canada. The WATER HEATER shall comply with the energy efficiency requirements of the latest edition of the ASHRAE 90.1 Standard. The WATER HEATER shall operate at a minimum of 85% thermal efficiency. The WATER HEATER shall provide pump delay with freeze protection feature. Terminal strip with connections for BMS control of the burner stages shall be provided. Supply voltage shall be 120 volt / 60 hertz / single phase. The standard control system shall include redundant Proven Pilot Hot Surface Ignition with full flame monitoring capability. Multiple main gas valves with redundant valve seats and built in low gas pressure regulators shall be supplied as standard. Additional standard controls shall include a flow switch, low air/blocked flue pressure switch for each fan, low voltage transformer for the control circuit, 7 amp circuit breaker and an ASME temperature and pressure relief valve. The manufacturer shall verify proper operation of the burners, all controls and the heat exchanger by connection to water and venting for a factory fire test prior to shipping. A quality test report shall be shipped with each unit. The WATER HEATER shall be approved for indoor or outdoor installation. Multiple venting options shall be available. Vertical venting systems shall be classified Category I, negative draft, non-condensing, to use type “B” double wall venting materials. Horizontal or direct vent installations require the use of AL29-4C vent materials.
Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummeraosmith_GWH
  • ProduktfamilieStorage Water Heaters
  • ProduktgruppeGenesis
  • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2017-12-01
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialMessing
  • Sekundär MaterialSheet metal
  • Entwickelt inUSA
  • Hergestellt inUSA
  • BIMobject KategorieHLK - Technik - Warmwasserbereiter
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_60_60_96_34
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungGas-fired storage water heaters
  • Klassifizierung22 34 36
  • Format2014TitelCommercial Gas Domestic Water Heaters
  • OmniClassNummer23-31 29 00
  • OmniClassTitelHot Water Heaters

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