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PVC301 - 1-leaf Tilt-And-Turn Window

PVC301 - 1-leaf Tilt-And-Turn Window

PVC-Profile mit dreifacher Dichtung (durch starre Verbindung im Rahmen). Auf diese Weise werden alle Schließpunkte geschützt und eine vollständige Umfangsfuge mit einer Profildicke von 3 mm bereitgestellt. Hochwertiges Glas mit verschiedenen Möglichkeiten und Behandlungen, auf der Suche nach dem besten Service unter Berücksichtigung der Anforderungen Ihres Standorts. Rollläden Unsere Rollladenkästen enthalten eine neue Isolierung im Deckel, wodurch sie die gleiche Rollfähigkeit beibehalten und die Wärmeübertragung verbessern. Unsere Armaturen haben einen optimalen Schutz durch Verzinkung, Chromatierung und zusätzliche Versiegelungsbehandlungen, wodurch der Korrosionsschutz erhöht und sein Verhalten, insbesondere in Küstengebieten, verbessert wird.
  • PVC profiles with triple joint (by rigid joint in the frame) thus protecting all the points of closure and providing a complete perimeter joint, with thickness in profile of 3 mm. Steel reinforcement: this with antioxidant treatment in all profiles. possibility of fiberglass reinforcement profiles to improve thermal transmittance with greater insulation 80 mm blade section: this depth allows the location of 7 isolation chambers, integrating into a 80 mm frame. with 7 cameras Total foliate system: Marac the difference with other window systems obtaining an aesthetic in color finishes, with high strength and durability over time High quality glass with different possibilities and treatments, looking for the best performance taking into account the needs of its location Thermal glass: Our windows allow the incorporation of a triple glass with double chamber that incorporates a solar control treatment and low emissivity, being able to hold up to 44 mm. Profiles • Steel reinforcement: This with antioxidant treatment in all profiles. Possibility of fiberglass reinforcement profiles to improve thermal transmission, achieving greater insulation. • 80mm Blade Section: This depth allows the location of 7 insulation chambers, integrating into an 80mm frame with 7 cameras. • Total Foliate System: Marks the difference with other window systems, obtaining an aesthetic in color finishes, with high resistance and greater durability over time. Glazing • Thermal Glass: Our windows allow the incorporation of a triple glass with double chamber that incorporates a solar control treatment and low emissivity, being able to hold up to 44mm. • Acoustic Glass: Get the best acoustic insulation in the windows of your house with this glass, being able to combine it with thermal treatments. • Security Glass: You can incorporate security glass, which will help you save energy and protect your home against vandalism and impacts, all without the need for thermal and acoustic insulation. Roller shutters • Shutter register 155: This register allows us up to 1500mm window height. • Shutter register 185: This register allows us up to 2700mm window height. • Shutter Register 200: This register allows us up to 3200mm window height. Hardware • Secustik handle: Our handles incorporate the Secustik system which provides a security bonus to our window. • Security Closure Points V: Reinforced locking point on its base for greater strength and security in a standard way for our windows. • Possibility of Double Tilt-and-Turn Without Central Pole: Through the system of opening of double handle, it allows us to make Oscilobatiente two leaves instead of one, increasing in this way the capacity of aeration.
Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummerre80pvc301_10100
  • ProduktfamilieR80
  • ProduktgruppePVC301
  • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2013-11-14
  • Editionsnummer1
  • Tiefe (mm)80
  • HauptmaterialPVC
  • Sekundär MaterialGlas
  • Entwickelt inDeutschland
  • Hergestellt inSpanien
  • Nettogewicht (kg)41.2
  • BIMobject KategorieFenster - Einflügelige Fenster
  • IFCClassificationFenster
  • UNSPSCNameWindows
  • UNSPSCCode301716
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_30_59_98
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungWindow units
  • Klassifizierung08 50 00
  • Format2014TitelWindows
  • OmniClassNummer23-17 13 17
  • OmniClassTitelPlastic Windows
  • CSIUniFormatIICodeB2020
  • CSIUniFormatIITitleExterior Windows

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