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BDL4003H Professional Display

BDL4003H Professional Display


Philips H-Linie

Heben Sie sich ab und machen Sie in jeder Umgebung Eindruck. Die ultrahohe Helligkeit der H-Line-Serie sorgt dafür, dass Inhalte aus der Masse hervorstechen und die Anerkennung erhalten, die sie verdienen. Robuste Komponenten machen dieses Display ideal für den 24/7-Betrieb.

Erleben Sie Ihre Inhalte wie nie zuvor dank der vierfachen Auflösung eines
herkömmliche Anzeige. Dieses ultragroße 75-Zoll-Display bietet 3840 x 2160 Pixel, so raffiniert und lebensecht, dass es ein Fenster in eine neue Welt ist.

  • H-LINE

    Ultimate visibilityCMND & Control

    Run your display network over a local (LAN or RF) connection. CMND & Control allows you to perform vital functions like updating software and settings, as well as monitoring display status. Whether you’re in charge of one display or more, CMND & Control makes managing your fleet easy.


    From waiting room to meeting room, never show a blank screen. FailOver lets your Philips professional display switch automatically between primary and secondary inputs, ensuring that content keeps playing even if the primary source goes down. Simply set a list of alternative inputs to be sure your business is always on.

    OPS Slot

    Integrate a full-power PC or Android-powered CRD50 module directly into your Philips professional display. The OPS slot contains all the connections you need to run your slot-in solution, including a power supply.

    CMND & Create

    Take control of your content with CMND and Create. A drag-and-drop interface makes it simple to publish your own content, whether it's a daily specials board or branded corporate information. Preloaded templates and integrated widgets ensure that your stills, text and video will be up and running in no time.

    Optional CRD50 module

    Embed an Android System-on-Chip (SoC) into your Philips professional display. The optional CRD50 module is an OPS device that enables Android processing power without the need for cables. Simply slide into the OPS slot, which contains all the connections needed to run the module (including power supply).

    High brightness (2500 cd/m2)

    Make an impact in bright or semi-outdoor locations. This high-brightness 2500 cd/m2 display delivers a clear picture in areas that are subject to high ambient light. Perfect for window displays and public information areas fitted with regulated temperature control and/or ventilated protection that can maintain ideal operating conditions.

Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummerbdl4003h-professional-display
  • ProduktfamilieDigital Signage
  • ProduktgruppeH-Line Series
  • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2023-06-05
  • Editionsnummer1
  • BIMobject KategorieElektronisches Zubehör - Kommunikationselemente
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_40_30_25_23
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungDisplay screens
  • OmniClassNummer23-19 11 25
  • OmniClassTitelDisplay Screens

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