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nVent RackChiller Rear Door Cooler, Passive

nVent RackChiller Rear Door Cooler, Passive

RackChiller Rear Door Cooler (RDC) Water Heat Exchanger is designed for managing high heat load cooling requirements within high-density server, computing and storage racks. The RDC installs on equipment racks as a separate rear door with an extra frame, enabling it to be retrofitted to existing racks. Heat dissipated by the rack equipment will be removed by a air-to-liquid heat exchanger and transfered into the facility water circuit, adding no heat to the IT room. The entire system is integrated within an aesthetically framed perforated door with protective covers to isolate the liquid source and cooling loop from the rack-mounted equipment.

  • Features & Benefits

    • Fanless solution, no noise, no additional power consumption, low maintenance
    • Frame solution separates coil and condensate management from the rack-mounted equipment
    • Rear space inside the cabinet is completely available for power distribution and cable management
    • Easily adapts to nVent cabinets; contact nVent to request information for integrating with third party cabinet
    • Temperature sensors on air supply and return side
    • Optional control system with Modbus TCP and SNMP v2c interface
    • Optional water flow, pressure and temperature sensors included with the water control package allow for water monitoring and regulation according to actual heat load
    • Optional local display

    For trouble-free operation it is recommended to use the water connection set and the optional accessories.The cooling capacity is determined under the following conditions: delta p water: < 100 kPa; delta p air: 15 Pa; water flow temperature: 12 °C / 53.6 °F; outlet temperature 24 °C / 75.2 °F; water flow: 4.8 m³/h / 21.1 gal/min; Airflow: Depending on cooling module see Diagram Performance Map.

Technische Spezifikation
  • ReferenznummerRackChiller-Rear-Door-Cooler-Passive
  • ProduktfamilienVent Data Center Solutions
  • ProduktgruppeRear Door Heat Exchangers
  • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2023-03-16
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialStahl
  • Entwickelt inUSA
  • Hergestellt inUSA
  • BIMobject KategorieHLK - Technik - Wärmetauscher
  • ETIM CodeEG015220
  • ETIM NameHeat exchangers
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_60_60_38
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungCalorifiers and plate heat exchangers
  • Klassifizierung23 57 00
  • Format2014TitelHeat Exchangers for HVAC
  • OmniClassNummer23-27 23 00
  • OmniClassTitelHeat Exchangers