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NanoCurve LED Display - Indoor/Outdoor

NanoCurve LED Display - Indoor/Outdoor

Von kurvigen Bergstraßen für Ihren Sportwagen bis hin zu Phrasen wie „immer einen Schritt voraus“ ist es klar, dass wir Krümmungen in unserer visuellen Welt schätzen. Kurven vermitteln ein erweitertes Erlebnis, etwas Interessanteres und Besseres als die Alternativen. Sie müssen Ihre Werbung nicht immer auf eine rechteckige Schachtel beschränken. NanoCurve bringt Interesse und Engagement in Ihre digitale Beschilderung im Innenbereich. Von Autodesk® Seek gehostetes BIM-Objekt, veröffentlicht von Courtesy BIMobject®
  • Country: United States Manufacturer Product Line: LED Displays Region: North America NanoCurve LED displays are both the sports car and the work horse of your digital signage solution, offering numerous benefits: Effective advertising solutions: Our large-format LED displays are bright, vivid, and eye-catching, even when dealing with ambient light. With an effective display, your content is noticed by viewers, not ignored. Environmentally responsible: NanoLumens displays are built with the environment in mind; they’re created from 50% reclaimed material and are almost 100% recyclable. They’re also energy-efficient–did you know that you can run a NanoCurve display that stands taller than you with just the power you’d use for a household vacuum cleaner? A compact design: Even the largest NanoCurve LED displays are slim and lightweight. They don’t need distance for a projector to put an image onto a screen or noisy fans to cool off the system. Without the need of distance for a projector or for large cooling equipment, you won’t have to worry about the bulk of a display taking up valuable space. Quiet but powerful operation: NanoCurve displays produce very little noise or heat, making them ideal for any environment that you’d want to avoid excess noise. At the same time, our displays produce brilliant image quality and efficiency. 6 Year Warranty, Zero Failure. Down to the Pixel: The warranty covers the entire display from corner to corner, including all parts and controller devices, sold by NanoLumens to end users, resellers, and distributors, effective from the date of shipment. NanoLumens warrants to the end user that the display will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use as intended by NanoLumens for the warranty period and applies only to the displays as originally installed at the end user location.
Technische Spezifikation
  • ReferenznummerNanoCurve_LED_Display
  • ProduktfamilieDisplay screens
  • ProduktgruppeIndoor/Outdoor display screens
  • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2014-04-01
  • Editionsnummer2
  • HauptmaterialMetall
  • Sekundär MaterialPlastik
  • Entwickelt inUSA
  • Hergestellt inUSA
  • BIMobject KategorieElektronisches Zubehör - Projektoren
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_40_30_25_23
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungDisplay screens
  • Klassifizierung40 62 43
  • Format2014TitelLarge Display Screens
  • OmniClassNummer23-19 11 25
  • OmniClassTitelDisplay Screens