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Palladiom Roller Shade
Palladiom Roller Shade
Palladiom Roller Shade
Palladiom Roller Shade
Palladiom Roller Shade
Palladiom Roller Shade
Palladiom Roller Shade
Palladiom Roller Shade
Palladiom Roller Shade
Palladiom Roller Shade

    Palladiom Roller Shade

    4.6 out of 5 stars4.6(10 reviews)

    Das Palladiom Shading System definiert die Schönheit der Tageslichtsteuerung neu. Erhältlich als kabelgebundenes oder kabelloses, batteriebetriebenes System, sehen diese Jalousien aus jedem Blickwinkel schön aus und sind so konzipiert, dass sie ohne Blende, Tasche oder Aussparung in exponierten Anwendungen installiert werden können.

    Mit bahnbrechender Technologie und flüsterleiser Leistung werden Palladiom-Farbtöne für die anspruchsvollsten Häuser geschaffen. Die Aluminiumhalterungen sind sorgfältig von Hand gefertigt und in einer Vielzahl von Ausführungen erhältlich, die sich nahtlos in jeden architektonischen Stil einfügen.

    • Palladiom Shading System

      Lutron Palladiom Motorized Roller Shades are
      ideal for exposed applications. Controlled by
      an ultra-quiet, precision Sivoia QS Palladiom
      drive, these shades are mounted on solid
      aluminum brackets that completely conceal
      wiring and offer a refined aesthetic in a variety
      of finishes to match any setting.


      • Single shades up to 12 ft (3.66 m) wide

      • Single shades up to 14 ft (4.27 m) tall

      • Symmetrical light gaps, as small as 1

      ⁄2 in (12 mm)

      NOTE: At high aspect ratio (tall and narrow) shade sizes, Lutron

      may apply a fabric deduction, which increases the size of the light

      gaps to compensate for the increased probability of telescoping

      • Shades move in unison, maintaining alignment within 1

      ⁄8 in (3 mm) at

      all times

      • Sound: 35 dBA measured 3 ft (0.91 m) from the EDU

      • Bottom bar speed: 3.6 in/sec (91.4 mm/sec)

      • Solid aluminum shade brackets with concealed fasteners, available

      in a variety of finishes

      • Ideally paired with the Palladiom Bottom Rail, available in

      matching finishes

      • Available with a wide variety of fabric types, including sheer,

      translucent, and room darkening fabrics

      • Power failure memory for the lifetime of the product

      • Available in QS Wired and QS Wireless configurations

      • Designed to provide a means to completely conceal wiring and

      control/programming buttons

      – Control/programming buttons are easily accessed behind the

      finishing ring on the drive bracket (for details, see Finishing

      Rings on page 8)

      • Idler can be extended 1

      ⁄8 in (3 mm) to allow for installation tolerance.

      Extending the idler increases the bracket-to-bracket width of the

      shade, as well as the light gap on the idler side of the shade.

      Power and Communication

      • Compatible power sources

      – Individual Plug-In

      › QSPS-P1-1-35V

      › QSPS-P2-1-35V

      › QSPS-P3-1-35V

      – 10-Output Power Panels

      › QSPS-10PNL

      › QSPSY-10PNL

      – Configurable Power Panels

      › QSPS-10PNL-NPM (with WIN-PS-5CC-R installed)

      › QSPS-30PNL-NPM (with WIN-PS-5CC-R installed)

      – Individual Junction Box

      › QSPS-J-1-35V

      • Low-voltage power and communication in a single

      4-wire cable

      • The connector provided with the shade is compatible with

      16-24 AWG solid or stranded wire (when using the wire housing

      WIN-WM-BOX-10, stranded wire is recommended due to its

      greater flexibility)


      • Wire management kit to help eliminate exposed wiring

      • Bracket shims for each bracket type

      Palladiom Shading System

    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummerlutron-roller-palladiom
    • ProduktfamilieShades
    • ProduktgruppeSivoia® QS
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2022-05-25
    • Editionsnummer1
    • BIMobject KategorieFenster - Rollläden

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