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Rania D2 Fixture
Rania D2 Fixture
Rania D2 Fixture
Rania D2 Fixture

    Rania D2 Fixture


    Rania D2-Einbau-LED-Downlights sind in den Ausführungen fest, verstellbar und Wallwash erhältlich und komplettieren jedes Lichtdesignprojekt.


      Exceptional White Light—Rania leverages a breakthrough three-channel solution, paired with proprietary optics and state of the art color mixing technology to deliver a wide CCT range and replicates natural white light more faithfully than any light source other than Ketra. 

      Natural Show—The Rania fixtures’ wide color temperature range and native control enables it to participate in Lutron’s Natural Show. Natural show automatically adjusts the intensity and color temperature of the light over the course of the day. It can be used to bring the outside in by matching outdoor light - from the cool bright light at noon to the warm lower light in the evening.

    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummerlutron-rania-d2-downlight
    • ProduktfamilieGeneral Luminaries, Directional
    • ProduktgruppeRania
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2024-10-07
    • Editionsnummer1
    • HauptmaterialMetall
    • Entwickelt inUSA
    • BIMobject KategorieBeleuchtungselemente - Deckenbeleuchtungen
    • IFCClassificationBeleuchtungskörper

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