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CBT 100LA-LS - Line Array Column Loudspeaker with EN54:24 Certification
CBT 100LA-LS - Line Array Column Loudspeaker with EN54:24 Certification
CBT 100LA-LS - Line Array Column Loudspeaker with EN54:24 Certification

    CBT 100LA-LS - Line Array Column Loudspeaker with EN54:24 Certification


    Line-Array-Säulenlautsprecher mit sechzehn 50-mm-Treibern (2 Zoll) und EN54:24-Zertifizierung
    Der CBT 100LA-LS mit Constant Beamwidth Technology™ stellt einen Durchbruch in der Konsistenz der Mustersteuerung dar, indem er komplexe analoge Verzögerungsstrahlformung und Amplitudenverjüngung verwendet, um eine hervorragende, konsistente vertikale Abdeckung ohne die schmale vertikale Bündelung und das Out-of-Coverage-Lobing zu erreichen sind typisch für gerade Formfaktor-Säulenlautsprecher.


    • Die zum Patent angemeldete Constant Beamwidth Technology™ bietet eine konstante Richtwirkung bis zu den höchsten Frequenzen und reduziert das Out-of-Coverage-Lobing.
    • EN54-24-konform (bei Installation mit mitgelieferter MTC-PC2-Bedienfeldabdeckung).
    • Vertikale Musterabdeckung umschaltbar zwischen 40° für mittlere Reichweite und 15° für Anwendungen mit langer Reichweite.
    • Das schaltbare Voicing bietet eine flache Reaktion im Musikmodus oder eine Präsenzspitze im mittleren Bereich im Sprachmodus.
    • Dynamischer SonicGuard™-Überlastschutz
    • Schwenk- (Schwenk-)/Neige-Wandhalterung im Lieferumfang enthalten.
    • Eingebauter 70-V-/100-V-Transformator plus 8-Ohm-Direktleistung.
    • Drivers: Sixteen 50 mm (2 in) Full-Range
      Frequency Response (-10dB): 120 Hz – 20 kHz
      Coverage Angle: Vertical: Narrow Mode: 15° (2 kHz - 16 kHz) (±10°) Broad Mode: 40° (1 kHz - 16 kHz) (±10°)Horizontal: 150° (ave, 1 kHz – 4 kHz, ±20°)
      Sensitivity: Narrow: (speech mode) 96 dB (2 kHz - 14 kHz ) (music mode) 93 dB (300 Hz - 18 kHz) Broad: (speech mode) 93 dB (2 kHz - 14 kHz)             (music mode) 90 dB (300 Hz - 18 kHz)
      EN54 Sensitivity (@ 4m): 76 dB (per EN54:24 spectrum and measurement conditions at 4 meters, set at broad/music mode.)
      Impedance: 8 ohms (in Thru mode)15w@70v; 30w@100v Tap = 333Ω 30w@70v; 60w@100v Tap = 167Ω 60w@70v; 120w@100v Tap = 83Ω 120w@70v; N/C@100v Tap = 42Ω
      Power Rating: 325 W (1300W peak), 2 hrs
      200 W (800W peak), 100 hrs
      Maximum SPL (1m): Narrow: (speech mode) 121 dB cont ave (127 peak) (music mode) 118 dB cont ave (124 peak) Broad: (speech mode) 118 dB cont ave (124 peak)            (music mode) 115 dB cont ave (121 peak)
      EN54 Max SPL (@ 4m): 92 dB (per EN54:24 spectrum and measurement conditions, at 4 meters)
      Transformer Taps: 120W, 60W, 30W, (15W at 70V only), and 8 thru, via switch
      Reference Axis: Specification and measurement referenced on-axis vertically and horizontally to the center point of the speaker baffle.
      Enclosure: Fiberglass reinforced ABS cabinet with UL94-5VB flammability rating, painted aluminum grille
      Outdoor Capability: IP-55 rated, per IEC529, when installed with optional MTC-PC2 panel cover. UV, moisture and 200-hr ASTM G85 acid-air/salt-spray resistant.
      Color: Black or White (-WH)
      Insert Points: 18 M6 insert points on back panel.
      Mounting: Included swivel (pan)/tilt wall bracket provides continuously variable +/-80 degree left-right swivel aiming (at no up/down tilt -- see Bracket Guide for maximum swivel range at various up/down tilt angles), continuously adjustable ±15 degree tilt, as well as 5 degree fixed increment points. Eighteen threaded mounting points located on back panel conform to industry standard rectangular 108 x 51 mm (4.25 x 2.0 in) pattern for OmniMount® 30.0 and other compatible third-party brackets. Threaded mounting points can be utilized for suspension.
      Dimensions (H x W x D): 1000 x 98.5 x 153 (39.4 in x 3.8 in x 6.0 in)
      Net Weight: 7.2 kg (15.8 lb)
      Safety Agency: EN54-24:2008 certified (Certificate No. 0359-CPR-00432), when installed with MTC-PC2 terminal panel cover. Cabinet UL94-5VB flammability rated. In accordance with the requirements of IEC60849/EN60849. Transformer UL registered per UL1876.
      Included Accessories: Swivel (pan) / tilt wall bracket MTC-PC2 terminal panel cover
      Optional Accessories: MTC-CBT-FM1 flush-mount low-profile wall-mount bracket MTC-CBT-SMB1 Stand-Mount Bracket for use with 35 mm speaker stand

    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerCBT-100LA-LS-Line-Array-Column-Loudspeaker-with-EN54-24-Certification
    • ProduktfamilieInstalled Sound
    • ProduktgruppeColumn Speakers
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2020-01-06
    • Editionsnummer1
    • Entwickelt inUSA
    • Hergestellt inUSA
    • BIMobject KategorieElektronisches Zubehör - Audioelektronik
    • IFCClassificationObjekt
    • ETIM CodeEC000682
    • ETIM NameLoudspeaker set
    • UNSPSCNameAudio and visual presentation and composing equipment
    • UNSPSCCode4511
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_70_75_36_50
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungLoudspeakers
    • Klassifizierung11 52 00
    • Format2014TitelAudio-Visual Equipment
    • OmniClassNummer23-37 15 29 11 13
    • OmniClassTitelLoudspeakers

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