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A compact and flexible solution to enhance spaces through accent lighting on facades, walkways and green areas. #Design Omikron mini is a clean but incisive spatial presence. Every detail is the result of research aimed at simple shapes and light emission quality. #Light quality [1] Optical precision and colour quality for every light distribution. The 10° and 25° spot optical systems are ideal for emphasising natural elements and architectural details. [2] The 6°x90° blade optical systems can draw lines of light on vertical and horizontal surfaces to enhance the facades of buildings or to break up walkways. #Orientable Omikron Mini Flood offers three different adjustments: rotation of the fastening base (360°), tilting of the body (+90° -45°) and rotation of the optical unit (355°) to orient the blade optical systems. #Attention to detail The glass is coplanar with the mechanical structure to prevent water or dirt from building up on the optical screen at any tilt angle. #Easy to install There is no need to open the product to connect it to the mains power. Omikron Mini Flood comes with a built-in cable for simple, quick and safe installation. #DURABLE The product is robust and reliable. Components, materials and finishes have been chosen to last a long time and resist corrosion, infiltration and mechanical impact.
  • A compact and flexible solution to enhance spaces through accent lighting on facades, walkways and green areas. #Design Omikron mini is a clean but incisive spatial presence. Every detail is the result of research aimed at simple shapes and light emission quality. #Light quality [1] Optical precision and colour quality for every light distribution. The 10° and 25° spot optical systems are ideal for emphasising natural elements and architectural details. [2] The 6°x90° blade optical systems can draw lines of light on vertical and horizontal surfaces to enhance the facades of buildings or to break up walkways. #Orientable Omikron Mini Flood offers three different adjustments: rotation of the fastening base (360°), tilting of the body (+90° -45°) and rotation of the optical unit (355°) to orient the blade optical systems. #Attention to detail The glass is coplanar with the mechanical structure to prevent water or dirt from building up on the optical screen at any tilt angle. #Easy to install There is no need to open the product to connect it to the mains power. Omikron Mini Flood comes with a built-in cable for simple, quick and safe installation. #DURABLE The product is robust and reliable. Components, materials and finishes have been chosen to last a long time and resist corrosion, infiltration and mechanical impact.
Technische Spezifikation
  • ReferenznummerOMIKRON_MINI-FLOOD
  • ProduktfamilieFloodlight
  • ProduktgruppeOmikron mini
  • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2021-06-17
  • Editionsnummer1
  • Höhe (mm)169
  • Breite (mm)105
  • Tiefe (mm)92
  • HauptmaterialAluminium
  • Sekundär MaterialAluminium
  • Entwickelt inItalien
  • Hergestellt inItalien
  • Nettogewicht (kg)1
  • BIMobject KategorieBeleuchtungselemente - Außenbeleuchtung
  • IFCClassificationBeleuchtungskörper
  • ETIM CodeEC001959
  • ETIM NameLED-lamp/Multi-LED
  • UNSPSCNameLighting Fixtures and Accessories
  • UNSPSCCode3911
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_70_70_48_46
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungLight-emitting diode (LED) luminaires
  • Klassifizierung26 56 00
  • Format2014TitelExterior Lighting
  • OmniClassNummer23-35 47 11
  • OmniClassTitelLighting Fixtures
  • CSIUniFormatIICodeD5020
  • CSIUniFormatIITitleLighting & Branch Wiring