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Electric Heated Industrial Air Curtain - IndAC2
Electric Heated Industrial Air Curtain - IndAC2
Electric Heated Industrial Air Curtain - IndAC2
Electric Heated Industrial Air Curtain - IndAC2
Electric Heated Industrial Air Curtain - IndAC2
Electric Heated Industrial Air Curtain - IndAC2
Electric Heated Industrial Air Curtain - IndAC2

Electric Heated Industrial Air Curtain - IndAC2


Optimale Klimatrennung

Der Luftschleier Biddle IndAC2 ist die perfekte Lösung für die Klimatrennung in Industriegebäuden. Der IndAC2-Luftschleier kann zur Klimatrennung zwischen Innen- und Außenumgebung und zur Raumklimatrennung verwendet werden. Dieses Produkt kann dazu beitragen, den Komfort zu verbessern und die moralische Effizienz zu steigern, sei es im Lager oder in einer High-Tech-Fertigungsanlage.

Einfache Logistik

Das IndAC2 sorgt dafür, dass der Eingang zugänglich bleibt, was eine schnellere und sicherere Logistik zur Folge hat.


Ausgestattet mit einer automatischen Steuerungsoption wählt der IndAC2 kontinuierlich die richtigen Einstellungen. In Kombination mit den stufenlosen Ventilatoren sorgt diese automatische Steuerung dafür, dass der Luftschleier immer mit der richtigen Geschwindigkeit arbeitet, was zu einer optimalen Abscheidungseffizienz und erheblichen Energieeinsparungen führt.

Warum IndAC2 wählen?

  • Optimale Klimatrennung
  • Einfache Logistik: sicherer und schneller
  • Angenehme Arbeitsbedingungen
  • Energieeinsparung: exakte Einstellungen & maximale Effizienz
  • Automatische Steuerung
  • Rectifier technology

    Based on Biddle’s patented Rectifier technology (patent number NL1031200), the Double Rectifier maximises downward penetration to optimise climate separation in large open doorways. Two stacked rectifiers push discharge air downwards in a laminar stream. The patented double rectifier delivers up to 80% climate separation efficiency.


    The casing and the inlet grille are manufactured from zinc-plated sheet steel, strengthened to minimise deformations and vibrations, and have a full-polyester powder coating. The IndAC2 is supplied in two colour combinations: RAL 5011/RAL 9006 and fully RAL 9006.

    The standard casing colour is steel blue (RAL 5011) or white aluminium (RAL 9006), the colour of the suction and discharge element is white aluminium (similar to RAL 9006). There is a built-in patented rectifying discharge element with galvanised frame and aluminium discharge blades. The casing is modular and will vary dependent on the model constructed: IndAC2 ST-150, IndAC2 ST-200, IndAC2 ST-250, IndAC2 MX-150 and IndAC2 MX-225. Other colours are available on request.

    Heat exchanger:

    The heating battery LPHW is manufactured with 1/2” copper tubes and aluminium fins. The water

    connections are G1” female thread (except for IndAC2 H1p). The maximum operating pressure is 16 bar at 120°C. The water connections of the H1p-battery have flanges. The maximum operating pressure is 23,8 bar at 175°C. The electric heating battery is manufactured with aluminium fins. The battery is controlled electronically and fitted with overload protection. When the device is switched off, the fans will continue to rotate until the fins have cooled sufficiently.


    The Indac series use the most energy-efficient motors available without any compromise to performance. IndAC2 ST and MX units are equipped with four energy-saving, stepless EC fans. The units are also equipped with an EMC filter and reactor. The motors are manufactured according IP 54 and insulation class B and are equipped with overheating protection electronics, which interrupt the circuit of the respective motor/fan unit as soon as the maximum permissible motor temperature is exceeded.


    The IndAC2 units have a number of control options available. There is a b-control control (basic control), which consists of a 0-10V potentiometer, or the b-touch control (fully automatic control).

    The b-control is a 0-10V potentiometer that functions stepless and makes it easy to manually set the air curtain accurately to the desired fan speed.

    With one b-control multiple units can be controlled. The IndAC2 ST with b-control has the capacity to control a combination of units that cover a door width of 5 meters. The IndAC2 MX with b-control has the capacity to control a combination of units that cover a door width of 7.5 meters.

    The fully automatic IndAC2 comes with Biddle’s touchscreen control panel: the b-touch. The simple menu structure of the b-touch makes it very easy to choose the desired settings using the clear pre-set menu.


    The IndAC2 can be automatically set up using the intelligent software which is situated inside the air

    curtain. Usage and fault diagnostic data can be easily extracted via the b-touch data port. The data port also permits software updates, which means it is no longer necessary to open the unit for this. Extracting information from the air curtain can easily be achieved via the b-touch. Once set, the control panel is no longer necessary.


    The automatically regulated IndAC2 can communicate using the Modbus protocol. When integrated into a building management system (BMS) the unit can be easily remote controlled. The Modbus and the b-touch control can also be used in parallel, allowing local control and remote control to take place at the same time. A single b-touch control can be used to control up to 10 x IndAC2 units for space heating or cooling applications.

Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummerelectric-heated-industrial-air-curtain
  • ProduktfamilieAir Curtains
  • ProduktgruppeAir Curtains
  • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2021-10-19
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialVerzinkter Stahl
  • Sekundär MaterialVerzinkter Stahl
  • BIMobject KategorieHLK - Technik - Luftschleier
  • IFCClassificationVentilator
  • ETIM CodeEC010007
  • ETIM NameElectric air curtain
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_70_60_36_02
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungAir curtains
  • Klassifizierung23 34 33
  • Format2014TitelAir Curtains
  • OmniClassNummer23-33 31 11 11
  • OmniClassTitelHeated Air Curtains

Verfügbarkeit in den Regionen

Bosnien und Herzegowina
Tschechische Republik
Vereinigtes Königreich