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Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees

    Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees


    Das VELUX Self Flashed TGC Commercial 22" Sun Tunnel Skylight wurde entwickelt, um eine schnelle und kostengünstige Tageslichtlösung für alle Räume bereitzustellen, in denen eine Sicht nach außen nicht erforderlich ist, und ist für gewerbliche Dachneigungen von 0 bis 60 Grad (20:12) geeignet. . Kommerzielle röhrenförmige Oberlichtsysteme bestehen aus den folgenden drei unterschiedlichen Systemen: dem Dachlichteinfangsystem, dem Tunnellichtübertragungssystem und dem Diffusorsystem. Die einteilige Pfannenabdeckung bietet eine nahtlose wasserdichte Abdeckung, die den Tageslichteinfangbereich des Tunnels senkrecht zur Dachoberfläche positioniert. Für gedämmte Flachdächer sind 12-Zoll-Türmchen erhältlich. Der 22-Zoll-TGC verfügt über eine hohe Außenkuppel aus Acryl oder Polycarbonat und eine VELUX SunCurve, um mehr Tageslicht zu gewinnen. Ein 14-Zoll-System ist ebenfalls erhältlich. Der hochreflektierende, verspiegelte starre Tunnel überträgt das Tageslicht effizient in den Arbeitsbereich, und es stehen mehrere Diffusoroptionen zur Verfügung, um den Anforderungen der Anwendung gerecht zu werden: Diffusoren für offene Decken, abgehängte Decken und harte Decken. Das schwenkbare Tunnelsystem und die verstellbaren Bögen erleichtern das Navigieren auf komplexen Dachkonstruktionen oder einfachen geraden Strecken, wodurch sie schnell und einfach zu installieren sind. Tageslichtsteuerungen und anderes Zubehör machen röhrenförmige Oberlichter in hohem Maße konfigurierbar, um Ihren Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Bitte besuchen Sie unsere Website oder kontaktieren Sie unser kommerzielles Kundendienstteam unter 888-878-3589.

    Zu den optionalen Zubehörteilen gehören:

    • Tageslichtregler und Netzteile
    • Energie-Kits mit thermischer Trennung
    • Diffusionsverstärker
    • Feuerbänder optional

    Neben der 22-Zoll-Größe gibt es eine 14-Zoll-Größe und weitere VELUX Sun Tunnel Flashing-Systeme für gewerbliche und private Anwendungen.

      A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products of VELUX America Inc., Greenwood, SC 29648;; (800) 878-3589, 

      A. System Description: Tubular unit skylight daylighting devices with exterior glazed dome, glazing retainers and gaskets, pan flashing assembly with integral adjustable pivot device, reflective tunnel, interior diffuser assemblies, and accessories, as required to meet installation and performance requirements indicated.
      1. Basis of Design: VELUX America, Inc., Model TGC Commercial Pan Flashed Sun Tunnel Skylight.

      A. Unit Skylight Standard, 14 inch (356 mm) Unit: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 (NAFS-11 or previous): 
      Specifier: Retain first four Subparagraphs below and delete following four Subparagraphs for IBC 2012 and 2015 code requirements; verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
      1. Performance Grade (Primary Designator): TDDCC/TDDOC-PG145.
      2. Design Pressure (DP): +300/-145 psf (+14.4/6.94 kPa).
      3. Water Test Pressure: 15 psf (0.72 kPa) with no leakage at 5 gallons per minute spray rate.
      4. Air Leakage Rate: 0.30 cfm/ft2 maximum.
      Specifier: Delete first four Subparagraphs above and retain first four Subparagraphs below for IBC 2009 and NBC code requirements, including CSA A440S1-09; verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
      5. Performance Class and Grade (Primary Designator) CW-PG110.
      6. Design Pressure (DP): +200/-110 psf (+9.58/-5.27 kPa).
      7. Water Test Pressure: 15 psf (0.72 kPa) with no leakage at 5 gallons per minute spray rate.
      8. Canadian Air Infiltration/Exfiltration Rating: A2. (1.5 L/s/m2 maximum)
      B. Unit Skylight Standard, 22  inch (559 mm) Unit: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 (NAFS-11 or previous): 
      Specifier: Retain first four Subparagraphs below and delete following four Subparagraphs for IBC 2012 and 2015 code requirements; verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
      1. Performance Grade (Primary Designator): TDDCC/TDDOC-PG130.
      2. Design Pressure (DP): +300/-130 psf (+14.4/-6.22 kPa).
      3. Water Test Pressure: 15 psf (0.72 kPa) with no leakage at 5 gallons per minute spray rate.
      4. Air Leakage Rate: 0.30 cfm/ft2 maximum
      Specifier: Delete first four Subparagraphs above and retain first four Subparagraphs below for IBC 2009 and NBC code requirements, including CSA A440S1-09; verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
      5. Performance Class and Grade (Primary Designator): CW-PG100.
      6. Design Pressure (DP): +200/-100 psf (+9.58/-4.79 kPa).
      7. Water Test Pressure: 15 psf (0.72 kPa) with no leakage at 5 gallons per minute spray rate.
      8. Canadian Air Infiltration/Exfiltration Rating: A2 (1.5 L/s/m2 maximum).
      C. Daylighting: Provide daylighting photometric performance comparable to basis of design product at layout indicated, based upon daylighting profile of March 21, 9:00 am local time, at Project location by simulation in accordance with IESNA guidelines.
      D. Air Infiltration: Maximum air leakage through unit of 0.30 cfm/sq. ft. (1.5 L/s/sq. m) of fixed area as determined according to ASTM E 283 at a static-air-pressure differential of 1.57 lbf/sq. ft. (75Pa.)
      E. Water Penetration under Static Pressure: No evidence of water penetration through unit when tested according to ASTM E 331 at a static-air-pressure differential of 15 lbf/sq. ft. (720 Pa).
      Specifier: Retain "Windborne Debris Resistance" Paragraph if required by authorities having jurisdiction. Select optional polycarbonate glazing when retaining this Paragraph.
      F. Windborne-Debris Resistance: Provide tubular unit skylights capable of resisting impact from windborne debris, based on the pass/fail criteria as determined from testing glazed representative of those specified, according to ASTM E 1886 and ASTM E 1996.
      1. Missile Level C, Wind Zone 3 requirements, and +50/-50 psf cycle pressure minimum.
      G. Surface-Burning Characteristics of Plastic Glazing: Provide plastic glazing meeting NAFS and identical to specimens tested for fire-exposure behavior in accordance with test method indicated below by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify materials with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency.
      1. Self-Ignition Temperature: 650 deg F (345 deg. C) or more for plastic glazing in thickness indicated when tested per ASTM D 1929.
      2. Smoke-Production Characteristics: Comply with either requirement below:
      a. Smoke-Developed Index: 450 or less when tested per ASTM E 84 on plastic glazing in manner indicated for application.
      b. Smoke Density: 75 or less when tested per ASTM D 2843 on plastic glazing in thickness indicated for application.
      3. Burning Characteristics: Tested and labeled in accordance with ASTM D 635.
      a. Plastic Glazing for Domes: [Polycarbonate Class CC1] [Acrylic Class CC2].
      H. Fire Ratings for Roof Assemblies with Fire Classifications: Tubular unit skylight with dome edge protection band tested in accordance with ASTM E 108 and listed as passing Burning Brand test with target classification of Class B
      I. Energy Performance with Energy Kit Installed:
      1. Thermal Transmittance: NFRC 100 maximum U-factor: 
      a. 14 inch (356 mm) Units: 0.55 Btu/hr*ft2*deg F (3.12 W/m2*deg C).
      b. 22 inch (559 mm) Units: 0.43 Btu/hr*ft2*deg F (2.44 W/m2*deg C).
      2. Solar Heat-Gain Coefficient (SHGC): NFRC 200 maximum SHGC: 
      a. 14 inch (356 mm) Units: 0.28.
      b. 22 inch (559 mm) Units: 0.26.
      Specifier: Retain "Electrical Components" Paragraph below if retaining requirement for dimmer.
      J. Electrical Components: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application.
      K. Fall Protection Standard Compliance: 29 CFR 1910.23: Passed.

    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummervelux-skylight-tgc
    • ProduktfamilieWindows
    • ProduktgruppeSkylights
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2025-01-21
    • Editionsnummer1
    • Höhe (mm)37.25
    • Breite (mm)37.25
    • Tiefe (mm)19
    • HauptmaterialGlas
    • Entwickelt inUSA
    • Hergestellt inUSA
    • Nettogewicht (kg)33
    • BIMobject KategorieFenster - Oberlichter
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_30_59_72_77
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungSkylights
    • Klassifizierung08 62 23
    • Format2014TitelTubular Skylights
    • OmniClassNummer23-17 17 13 21
    • OmniClassTitelTubular Skylights

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