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Embrace 942AXBASE5WOFA

Embrace 942AXBASE5WOFA

UNIQUE CHAIR FAMILY Embrace is an appealing and unique chair family. Designed to suit many different types of environments and in numerous different contexts. Everywhere. And anywhere in between. To be used for all types of meetings. In larger or smaller groups. When you need to work a while. Or for a spontaneous conversation. To wait or take a break. Whatever you want and more. Both flexible and functional. An entire family of chairs has been designed from a basic concept and design idea. A total concept. With the same gentle lines and recognition. With changing expressions and characteristics depending on choice of finish and materials. Embrace is a new type of versatile chair that suits today’s working life. That provides new thoughts and ideas. With creativity and a balanced design. Design: Stefan Brodbeck (Brodbeck Design)
Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummer942AXBASE5WOFA
  • ProduktfamilieChairs
  • ProduktgruppeMeeting chair
  • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2015-04-09
  • Höhe (mm)830
  • Breite (mm)660
  • Tiefe (mm)620
  • HauptmaterialHolz
  • Sekundär MaterialStoff
  • Entwickelt inRumänien
  • Hergestellt inSchweden
  • BIMobject KategorieMöbel - Bürostühle
  • IFCClassificationMöbel
  • UNSPSCNameFurniture and Furnishings
  • UNSPSCCode56