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G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions
G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions
G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions
G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions
G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions
G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions
G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions
G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions
G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions
G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions

    G50-Partition Wall Panels and Mullions

    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummerg50-partition-wall-panels-and-mullions
    • Produktfamiliecubicle system
    • ProduktgruppeCatalogue
    • TypMontage (mehrere Objekte)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2021-05-11
    • Editionsnummer1
    • Höhe (mm)3000
    • Breite (mm)1000
    • Tiefe (mm)50
    • HauptmaterialAluminium
    • Sekundär MaterialGlas
    • Entwickelt inTürkei
    • Hergestellt inTürkei
    • BIMobject KategorieWände - Vorhangfassaden