ZF806 6" Wide Fiber Reinforced Polymer Trench Drain System

ZF806 6" Wide Fiber Reinforced Polymer Trench Drain System

Zurn ZF806 6" wide reveal fiber reinforced polymer trench drain system. Channels are 120" long, 6" wide, and have a 4" throat. Provided DGC grate is rated for class C loading.

  • Chemically resistant robust fiberglass – saves labor up to 75%
  • Longer, lightweight sections
  • Heavy-duty Z-frame
  • Overlapping connections
  • USA configurable
  • ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION: Zurn ZF806 Channels shall be 120 long, 6 wide and have a 4 throat. Modular channel section shall be made of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP). Shall have a positive mechanical connection between channel sections that will not separate during the installation. Channels shall weigh less than 2.31 lbs. per linear foot, have a smooth, 1-1/2 radiused self cleaning bottom with a Manning’s coefficient of .009 and .75% or neutral 0% built in slope. Shall be provided with standard DGC grates that lock down to frame. Zurn 6" wide reveal ductile iron slotted grate conforming to ASTM specification A536, Grade 80-55-06. Ductile iron grate is rated class C per the DIN EN1433 top load classifications. Supplied in 20" nominal lengths with 1/2 wide slots, and 3/4 bearing depth. Grate has an open area of 28.1 sq. in per ft. The #10 gage thick Heavy-Duty Carbon Steel Frame Assembly conforms to ASTM specification A36. Frames shall mechanically lock into the concrete surround at a maximum spacing of every 20" with 16 concrete anchors per 120". Frames shall have rebar attachment brackets as standard to secure trench in its final location. Grate lockdown bars are to be integral to the frame. The frame is supplied with a powder coated finish. All welds must be performed by a certified welder per ASTM standard AWS D1.1. Frames and Channels shall be produced in the U.S.A.

Teknisk specifikation
  • Unik ref.zf806-fiber-reinforced-polymer-trench-drain-system
  • ProduktfamilieLinear Trench Drain Systems
  • ProduktgruppeChemical Processing, Vinylester
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Udgivelsesdato2024-01-31
  • Udgavenummer1
  • Bredde (tommer)6
  • Materiale primærtGlasfiberarmeret polymerkomposit
  • Materiale sekundærtDuctile Iron
  • Designet iUSA
  • BIMobject-kategoriVVS - Afløb
  • IFC-klassifikationObjekt
  • Uniclass 2015-kodePr_65_52_24_24
  • Uniclass 2015-beskrivelseDrainage channels with gratings
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014-kode22 14 26.19
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014-titelFacility Trench Drains
  • OmniClass-nummer23-39 29 13 19
  • OmniClass-betegnelseSurface Water Drainage Systems