Interior Door Stable Nature Sliding IIn-wall

Interior Door Stable Nature Sliding IIn-wall

Stable Nature is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavian minimalism. The clean lines and the massive sound insulating core allows the doors conveys a clean and stylish message. Stable is designed for residential and similar usage, here as slinding doors. Most of Swedoors interior doors can be adapted to sliding performance and combined with built-in wall cassettes. The cassettes provide a stable construction while the wall thickness can be minimized down to 96mm finished wall thickness. The cassettes can also be combined with 40mm HP (High Performance) doors.
Teknisk specifikation
  • Unik ref.int_door_sliding_int_stable_nature
  • ProduktfamilieInterior doors
  • ProduktgruppeStable Nature
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Udgivelsesdato2016-05-18
  • Udgavenummer1
  • Materiale primærtTræ
  • Designet iDanmark
  • Fremstillet iDanmark
  • BIMobject-kategoriDøre - Sliding Doors
  • IFC-klassifikationDør
  • UNSPSC-navnDoors
  • UNSPSC-kode301715

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