Easy Chair Piccolo

Easy Chair Piccolo

Joel said, - We should have a small and pretty sitting furniture that is suitable for the short-term sitting. I started to think of places like the bus stop, at the shop or at the doorstep, something that doesn't take up too much space and that offers a moment's rest, small and flexible enough to be placed where it is needed. After a while, I got stuck for a small sketch with molded end in beautiful dimensions that together with three planks, one for the back and two for the seat, becomes a seating furniture with small dimensions that I find new and interesting. The casting technology has given us the opportunity to refine details such as armrests, ground anchorage and placement of screws etc.

Teknisk specifikation
  • Unik ref.piccolo_easy-chair
  • ProduktfamiliePiccolo
  • ProduktgruppeEasy Chair
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Udgivelsesdato2020-04-14
  • Udgavenummer1
  • Materiale primærtAluminium
  • Designet iSverige
  • Fremstillet iSverige
  • BIMobject-kategoriLandskabsplanlægning - Udemøbler
  • IFC-klassifikationMøbler
  • Uniclass 2015-kodePr_40_50_12_26
  • Uniclass 2015-beskrivelseEasy chairs

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